I need social traffic from USA

67 replies

Can you guide me how will I get social traffic from United States. Currently, my blog has all Indian traffic (Organic Google search)
#social #traffic #usa
  • Profile picture of the author DigiXpert
    You can advertise on Social networks which is the best way to get some social targeted traffic to your blog or business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Renatas Budrys
    The kings of social traffic are facebook and instagram
    FREE Ebook 7 Proven Methods To Make $300 A Day And Much More Online.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Befriend social media users in the US through FB groups related to your niche. Comment on their updates. Share their content. Befriend them. Friends promote you on FB, boosting US traffic. Be patient, and generous, and traffic flows to you.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author ncinsure90
    You must follow Facebook USA Groups.Join multiple groups and post there.
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    • Profile picture of the author zainsultan
      Originally Posted by ncinsure90 View Post

      You must follow Facebook USA Groups.Join multiple groups and post there.
      Social media is one of the best platform to get traffic from any state.Join different popular niche groups and share your links.
      Moringa Powder in Pakistan | Eshi Organics
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  • Profile picture of the author Leslyaviel
    Your goal is going to first determine where your target market hangs out. For Facebook that's going to be in groups. Join Facebook groups, offer some advice and educate people on what you know. Be very engaging and offer lots of valuable information.

    Also Facebook paid advertising is great too and you can set targets geographically, regionally, gender targets and you can also exclude groups of people as well. Of course if you have never done this you may want to get some free training as this can be very expensive if not done right.

    Lastly, I recommend Youtube, seems like you have a niche that can definitely take advantage of youtube. You want to create or pay for videos that are very captivating. You want to either touch the heart of the viewer or invoke the urgency to do something via video. YouTube is one of the best ways to drive traffic from the US, followed by the techniques mentioned above. Of course there are a few other ways, but these should keep you busy for now
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    • Profile picture of the author willington
      Yeah, both sources are good for driving unique traffic.
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    • Profile picture of the author minimax
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      • Profile picture of the author Suraj Ukarde
        Do social media Campaign by targeting USA location
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  • follow and join US facebook and social groups so that you will get traffic from US .
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  • Profile picture of the author stephenrobes
    Follow USA people, join different USA social media group.
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  • Profile picture of the author JanetGriggs
    Your aim is planning to determine where your target market hangs outside. For Facebook, that's likely to be in classes. Combine Facebook groups, educate individuals and present some info. Be extremely engaging and offer lots of invaluable information.
    Have a nice journey.
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  • Profile picture of the author amuro
    Perhaps you want to run a couple of FB ads targeting people from USA to your blog?

    As a test to see if it can give you what you want?
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Istratii
    promote your blog with influencers!
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  • Profile picture of the author willington
    The best way is to do some local listing for your website for getting region traffics like- USA. If you can do some paid listing then it's much better. But free works as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alan Leo
    You can get it through Facebook and Instagram ads. You can choose audiences who is your target.
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  • Most social media paid ads have location targeting which allows you to advertise to people based on their location, which can be a country, a region, or a city.
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  • Profile picture of the author AlexMarton
    I think you will do some community type of work it will give you a social traffic from USA
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  • Profile picture of the author IT Jobs List
    You must be follow usa friends, join groups, pages like, share post targeted country wise.
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  • Profile picture of the author simran shaikh
    If you want to get traffic USA then you have to work on USA related keyword. you have to also work on Reddit.
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  • Profile picture of the author Martin smith
    To get social traffic from the USA follow these:
    1. Maintain FB page
    2. Add People related to your business
    3. Join in groups
    4. Post and share useful content
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  • Profile picture of the author strollerslab
    You will get more social traffic from the USA if you work at facebook niche related group, Twitter and Instagram. You can share and comment on your targeted group. A paid campaign is the best way to getting more traffic in your targeted country.
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  • Profile picture of the author stephenchong
    Facebook post grow from your connections. That all depends on your friends and followers. so if you want to target the Users from US you should use paid promotions or else have friends in the US or have followers living in US.
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  • Profile picture of the author buzzinteractive
    You need to join US groups on FB and share your blog with them. make sure you have enough valuable content to share with them. Also, you can boost your FB page for US Audience and target them to get good traffic to your blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author willington
    Do some local listing for your webpage. I hope you'll get local traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author Suraj Ukarde
    participate in different forums Related to your niche attract the audience from different regions (USA) by providing some regional information. share your post on different social media platforms with specific Tags. it will help you to attract traffic from USA
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  • Profile picture of the author sherloc987
    Target us audience. For example on instagram, find a page that matches your topic or interest. Use tools to follow its followers like ninjagram. Or use ads if you have a budget.
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  • Profile picture of the author buzzinteractive
    you need to target your FB audience for US Traffic. you can boost your posts for US Audience. to get the traffic from the US region.
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  • Profile picture of the author rohinidubey
    you can get social traffic form united states. By advertising on various platforms like facebook, linkedin ads, instagram,twitter etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mj Rifat
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    • Profile picture of the author GivGivGivAsk
      As I understand it, which SMM platform is best will depend upon who is your target audience, what kind of content you are posting, and a few other factors.

      For instance, if you are targeting a young demographic 16-25, and your content lends it self well to being captured in short form video, ... then snapchat may be a good platform. However, if your content needs to be expressed in long-form video--such as telling your brand story--then it would be better suited for YouTube.
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  • Profile picture of the author KaapoJed
    You can target it via Demographic Targeting on Facebook, if your budget is not too much then start with Sponsored/Boost Post on Facebook.

    Most of social media platforms like Facebook, Google, Twitter etc. give you the freedom to choose demographics at a city level. You can target people in a particular cities through different type of ads or boost a page post (facebook only) to people in a city.

    To reach your target audience effectively, you need to know where they spend time online like if they are engaging in some groups then request to join them & try to post with your relevant information there. Your posts must be engaging enough to appeal to your local audience. Or you can also try to post an appealing video ad to social networking sites like Youtube or Facebook.
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  • Profile picture of the author sendizo
    You can easily find targeted group in your niche by searching related keyword on Facebook.
    Post engaging posts on those group and you will get some targeted clicks to your link.
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  • Profile picture of the author AlexMarton
    If you want social traffic from the US so firstly, you joined some Facebook groups because Facebook is the king of the social sides and you should be working on communities and you also go to the paid marketing campaigns because it will help you to increase your social traffic or if you are talking about rank your website on the US Google platform so must do list your business on the US business listing sides
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  • Profile picture of the author samyakexports
    Always follow quora question and answer, post you tube videos, Facebook post and linkedin.
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  • Profile picture of the author zainsultan
    Use USA niche sites for submission and social media sites.
    Moringa Powder in Pakistan | Eshi Organics
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  • Profile picture of the author Chrisnimer
    you may need to consider buying some US traffic like on traffic sites , PPC etc.

    good luck tho
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  • Profile picture of the author love2Code
    you can promoter your social media posts at postspromoter.com where users from major social media users will be able to see your post.
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  • Profile picture of the author reg0903
    It is hard to get in specially if your link is already block from facebook. In my case I use account with marketplace access in the USA and I post related items and I handle them during our conversation.
    I know how to run my ads using Facebook PVA without any problem.
    Please don't stop asking If you willing to know!

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  • Profile picture of the author Emmanuel Asika
    Use Facebook Targeted Ads but make sure what your advertising is relevant to the Country your targeting.
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  • Profile picture of the author Arnav Sharma
    As I am a fresher in this Digital Marketing field and Continuing my training at Entercerebrum. So, according to my research things I can say that to get more page likes Of Facebook
    Join USA group,
    Like and Interact with Other USA Companies
    Always be active and publish engaging Content etc
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    at first you try to likndin/ facebook USA social group, reddit, quora is better to usa traffic,

    Location: United state

    If you are going to lie about location - you should at least know how to spell it.
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    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author parmarjeet
    Try Reddit where you can get USA quality traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author NamanModi
    If you want to get more traffic from the United States then you have to join the more United states facebook groups. Post your daily content on Facebook and other social media platforms, especially on these united states groups. If you doing so then you definitely get more traffic from united states.
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  • Profile picture of the author paul45955
    Either join USA groups, make friends with people from USA or run ads targeting the USA

    Get FREE access to 18 Video Tutorials about the best ways to Market on FB
    Join my Free Online Marketing Training Group to access the video tutorials

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  • Profile picture of the author ezrankings
    Facebook Ad will help you........

    Grow your business with Digital Marketing Agency

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  • Profile picture of the author michaelkoehler92
    Use a ranktracker and track where you are ranking for those keywords over US. Then prepare a plan to get some backlinks and other sorts of things so that you rank can improve and if that happens you will get traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author Cezar Renta
    Social Networks advertising is your best bet. You can also use influencers to pay them off, if you have the funds.
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  • Profile picture of the author Pribeiro
    Free USA Traffic in social networks , Pinterest may help you out but will depend a lot in your niche.

    If you can pay, then try some PPC in Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, etc
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  • Profile picture of the author saisaanvi
    Posting in social media is one way and the other I can strongly suggest you reddit, quora will provide quality traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author ebiztrait
    To get social traffic from the USA, you need to do effective promotion on various social media with targeting USA based geolocation. You need to do social bookmarking and micro-blogging on USA based website.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jenifer1420
    Follow USA people, join facebook, plurk, etc USA social media group.
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  • Profile picture of the author sendizo
    Group posting and sharing (posting not spamming people!!) Post great useful content that makes user engage.

    Also consider to run some targeted ads to boosts your traffic.
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  • For getting traffic from US, you can
    1. run paid ads,
    2. guest blogging
    3. social media engagement like FB, Twitter, and Instagram
    4. Directory submission
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  • Profile picture of the author jefrin adams
    To get traffic form USA point out the groups in fb and share the post in USA groups.join many USA groups with different topic and promote your site .you can get more followers.
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  • Profile picture of the author kristen2540
    Need to participate some social media sites like as:
    1. Reddit.
    2.Instagram[create post and follow them in targeted audience].
    3.Twitter[Same as instagram].
    4.Pinterest[create Boards, Pins] also Share post and follow usa audience.
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  • Profile picture of the author Radhika Shah
    search for US blog. US profile you can drive traffic from that
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  • Profile picture of the author sendizo
    Join social groups related to your niche. get active in there, share some good useful content and engage them.

    Twitter Hashtags bring good amount of traffic as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author fahimr780
    You can made your social media USA friendly and publish your thought.I think Quora is a another heavy site that can give you possible traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bilal aftab
    then you need write that articles and content that are also usefull for Usa and Uk,
    i suggest you to share your blog on
    1. reddit
    2. instagram
    3. twitter
    4. quora
    5. tumbler
    6. scoop it
    Create backlinks from Usa sites
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  • Profile picture of the author Medon
    If you want to access the U.S. traffic, you must have as many U.S. friends as possible. Other than befriending them, it is necessary that you follow them. Join their groups and commend and react to their posts. Also, Reddit and Quora will help you tap in the U.S. Traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author petersen123
    You can get the traffic from facebook or Instagram. Twitter is also a good option.
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  • Profile picture of the author sgalla414
    Originally Posted by 111ideas View Post


    Can you guide me how will I get social traffic from United States. Currently, my blog has all Indian traffic (Organic Google search)
    If you get on instagram you can do paid advertsiements and have your promotion run in specific areas. You can do the entire continent, state, city etc. but again these are paid promotions.
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  • Profile picture of the author WF-Cody
    I agree with paid promotions. If you really want to target a specified audience. Other than that, its back to just keep manually searching for the right profiles.
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  • Profile picture of the author speedeonic
    You can advertise on Social networks which is the best way to get some social targeted traffic to your blog or business
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  • Profile picture of the author Huenelde
    If you want traffic from the US then do the promotion on the US sites. Quora and Reddit are great.
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  • Profile picture of the author MaxFeerden
    Quora and Reddit is a good solution for boosting US traffic. But there are many other forums with US traffic. They can increase your website traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author George Wallace
    You must join the Facebook group which has maximum USA visitors and share something interesting. Another option is Reddit, Twitter, Instagram. You will get more social traffic from Reddit if you have knowledge about how to get traffic from Reddit.
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