Is Facebook Still A Good Place To Advertise?

by Ged3
47 replies
Hi Warriors,

Facebook is offering me $30 when you spend $10.

I wonder what other Warriors think about advertising on Facebook.

This could be a good deal - I expect others have received a similar offer and could also benefit from this.

Please let me know your views.

Thank you.

#advertise #facebook #good #place
  • Profile picture of the author expmrb
    Originally Posted by Ged3 View Post

    Hi Warriors,

    Facebook is offering me $30 when you spend $10.

    I wonder what other Warriors think about advertising on Facebook.

    This could be a good deal - I expect others have received a similar offer and could also benefit from this.

    Please let me know your views.

    Thank you.


    I would say go for it. Atleast try, see how its goes.
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    • Profile picture of the author buzzinteractive
      Facebook is a very good way to spend money for ROI but depends upon your niche. If you are starting a new Dropshipping or eCommerce store it's going to give you higher ROI.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ela Balbuena
    Go for it!
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  • Profile picture of the author Volt
    Go for it man
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  • Profile picture of the author reg0903
    That is a good deal keep it farming.

    Sometimes you win and lose it depends on your ads quality. Yes, facebook still the right place to advertise your product today.
    I know how to run my ads using Facebook PVA without any problem.
    Please don't stop asking If you willing to know!

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  • Profile picture of the author msulcs
    While you may not get anything out of $30, but at least you can see how it works.
    For most campaigns, you need to invest way more to see how good it converts.

    In other words - FB ads are definitely worth it if you have money to spend.
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  • Profile picture of the author Radhika Shah
    Yes facebook is a good place to advertise. As its a social media world now half of the world use and be on social media
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesAnam
    Hi, This is Great that Facebook is giving any such offer. Today very few are left who don't have facebook account. Therefore now Facebook is giving one of the best platform to promote products or services either in local or abroad.
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  • Profile picture of the author nowservingpixels
    It depends on what you're selling, how well you sell it, who you're targeting, how well you target them, how effective your copy is, etc. There's so many variables. It's a lot more complicated than "is it good or bad?" Yes, it can be good. And no, it can be bad.

    To take an anecdote from Gary Vaynerchuk - what's the ROI of a basketball? For me, nothing. For Lebron James, billions of dollars.

    Facebook ads will only work as well as the person using them.
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    • Profile picture of the author JamesAnam
      I completely agree with you @nowservingpixels.
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  • Profile picture of the author johnben1444
    Don't expect anything from it.
    No doubt, regardless of what people think, Facebook is a great place to get lead and traffic.

    I got a couple of sales from my facebook page after a small ads.It happened after I stopped promoting there and a client found my FB page and bought a service for almost a 500 bucks.

    Perhaps you use that to learn the ropes and find out what works and what doesn't. Even if you are advertising in the right place, if you are doing things wrongly you won't get any sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author zimadev
    I would go for it if you have never tried advertising on Facebook, but in my opinion, you get better results advertising on Instagram.
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  • Profile picture of the author willington
    Yeah, FB is still a good place for advertising. Lots of people are using FB to promote their business.
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  • Profile picture of the author arohi56
    Facebook is one of the most popular websites in the world. Facebook Advertising creates an extremely valuable opportunity for businesses to get in front of prospective clients. Facebook advertising allows you to be highly targeted with the audience your ad will be in front of.
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  • I agree that Facebook is still a good place to advertise, but I believe in the saying that, "Don't put all your eggs in one basket."
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  • Profile picture of the author alanRon
    It depends upon industry to industry. For example, I am running 2 media campaigns on Facebook for real estate and fashion. For real estate I am getting 30% quality leads whereas for fashion industry I am getting 70% quality leads.
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  • Profile picture of the author SMSCodes
    Its a $10 gamble thats all hopefully you will generate some revenue from it , if not its not the end of the world .
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  • Profile picture of the author buzzinteractive
    Facebook is still very good for advertisement depending upon your niche, demographics. most people run ads for stores or to their blogs. and fb works well for stores if you're selling something.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mazvydas Rupsys
    Facebook is OK to be on. It's not too expensive but stuffed with ads. I would go for it, just to test it, how it works on your niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author JerryNoTom
    In my opinion, not anymore. People just ignore ads there, just scroll further when they see 'sponsored content'. Anyway you can test how it works, maybe you'll get some results, experiment with good copy and visuals.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jenkins43
    Yes if you get the right person to do it and do the right way
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  • Profile picture of the author Jenkins43
    Yes when you take your time doing the right time
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  • Profile picture of the author Jenkins43
    Yes face book is a place where you spend money on Facebook and most people get paid from sale things on Facebook Facebook is a good idea to sale stuff on Facebook
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  • Profile picture of the author Castor Troy1
    For advertising, Facebook is a really good platform where you can get lost of traffic. So spending money is not worthless.
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  • Profile picture of the author NamanModi
    That's really a good deal and you definitely have to crack this Facebook deal that has been offered to you. You have to grab much about the Facebook Ad campaigning and it's also better for your future.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jerlene
    Facebook is still a great place to advertise. A lot of people still use it everyday. Try joining groups and pages or getting people to post on their feeds for you before purchasing promo ads.
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  • Profile picture of the author paul45955
    As far as i am concerned FB ads are definitely the way to go for paid ads. Just know that you can fine tune FB ads for very specific targeting, so its best to learn all about their ad system before you start using it

    Get FREE access to 18 Video Tutorials about the best ways to Market on FB
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  • Profile picture of the author Jenkins43
    I'm not sure just go for it and see do you like first since its informant I think you do really good [QUOTE]
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  • Profile picture of the author davidlee210
    Fb is still a great platform to advertise on. Many companies such as amazon, flipkart, use fb for retargeting their customers. Fb ROI is better than adwords.
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  • Profile picture of the author delizzia
    Did you go for it? Any updates?

    Wish you got the best out of it!
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Well what method its this where it offers you 30$ its facebook ads ? I think you should give it a try to see how its going
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  • Profile picture of the author michaelkoehler92
    Depends on the products and the audience you are going to target. I do use FB ads a lot but its best to diversify things and look for other options like reddit ads, Quora Ads and even youtube ads.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Hunsons
    Well, I think it's not good if you can have a profit.
    But still I adher to Instagram ads which adjusted in facebook ads.
    It's all the same, but I think IG is more beneficial.
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  • Profile picture of the author andyreed270

    I mean YOLO right?
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  • Profile picture of the author nitts11
    Yeah, FB is still a good place for advertising. Lots of people are using FB to promote their business. But it depends on the product also.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheKing
    I would love to have that offer, Lucky you !
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  • Profile picture of the author luciesmazanska
    I think it's a really good deal go for it, still many people across different geographical location access Facebook. So from a business point of view, it has great potential.
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  • Profile picture of the author senupal
    Yes, It could be a good deal for u . you can try it
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  • Profile picture of the author CherryMiss
    It's a good deal if you are familiar with targeting! Once I spent a fortune because of a wrong targeting.

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  • Profile picture of the author harryking1
    yeah facebook is quite a good platform for advertising you must go for it
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  • Profile picture of the author ebiztrait
    Hi Ged,

    Advertising with Facebook is not a bad idea, you can go for it without any hesitation..!
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  • Profile picture of the author Alberto Marsh
    Definitely, It would prove a beneficial decision for your business. The thing mandatory for successful Facebook advertising is a definite objective, strategic plans as well as your method of advertising.
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  • Profile picture of the author JasonJoiner
    Facebook is a powerful platform for any kind of business marketing. With the help of Facebook advertising, you can gain more genuine customers and easily increase your sales lead in the fastest way.
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  • Profile picture of the author kristen2540
    Facebook is a good for marketing to advertise. It is also better for free marketing. Create page or group and join targeted audience and post attractive news with image or videos and active maximum time and participate. I hope your will get better at a time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Primescout
    Definitely go for it.. Facebook advertising is still cheaper than it should and while advertising is entering all platforms and more people are starting to advertise daily, prices will keep going up so it is like we get the advantage we still have when choose to advertise in social media
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  • Profile picture of the author Linnea Sandel
    Yes, Facebook is still a good place for advertising any business because lots of people are using and coming on the Facebook for the multi-purpose and some of those are business advertisers so I think you should try it and go ahead to work on it.
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