Tips on how to advertise my Instagram page

6 replies
Hello, I have made an Instagram account which I am confident about perusing, It is technology based, I have already got in touch with a few big accounts (eg. meme pages | slime pages etc) but i want to know the best way to advertise through a video, i just have a few questions which id love answered! I really want to learn & any information is good for me!

1. Whiles my profile is being promoted am i better off having my account public or private?

2. Should my ad consist of a compilation of technology or 1 simple interesting, crazy video with my account tagged in the description?

3. Should i have accounts promote my page at the same time or over the course of a certain time period? If so how long should the time period be? Should i be having an ad posted once every day?, once every second day, week etc?

4. Should i be having my ad posted by a select few accounts or should i be getting it posted by many different accounts?

Thanks so much! Feel free to leave any additional advice!
#advertise #instagram #page #tips
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  • Profile picture of the author michaelkoehler92
    Originally Posted by kindvibez View Post

    1. Whiles my profile is being promoted am i better off having my account public or private?
    Better to have the account as public.

    Originally Posted by kindvibez View Post

    2. Should my ad consist of a compilation of technology or 1 simple interesting, crazy video with my account tagged in the description?
    Better to try both as no one can give an answer to this since all depends on the adsets and targets.

    Originally Posted by kindvibez View Post

    3. Should i have accounts promote my page at the same time or over the course of a certain time period? If so how long should the time period be? Should i be having an ad posted once every day?, once every second day, week etc?
    Best is to focus on posting quality content rather than thinking once a day or once a week. If you have quality content then you can post them twice or thrice per day.

    Originally Posted by kindvibez View Post

    4. Should i be having my ad posted by a select few accounts or should i be getting it posted by many different accounts?
    Select few accounts and use the child or other accounts to promote them to the fullest.
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    • Profile picture of the author crouchashley
      I agree with him. Plus, you can promote your account in your personal social media.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sevan Rudolf
    Here are some tips to advertise your Instagram page and bring more traffic.

    Promote your posts on other social media platforms.
    Modify your username to be easily searchable.
    Use a quality profile photo.
    Keep your bio short and simple.
    Avoid hard sells.
    Utilize your geotag.
    Make sure your posts have quality captions.
    Partner with influencers using the paid partnership feature.
    Dive deeper into hashtags.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alberto Marsh
    #4 Instead of posting ads through various accounts, its better making effective promotion on some popular social media sites. (It might include Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter)
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  • Profile picture of the author Aditi Rawal
    Keep your account Public. Post Relevant content regularly may be thrice or twice a week in your niche and be consistent with it. Ask for Shoutout, follow similar accounts and promote your page on your different social accounts.
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  • Profile picture of the author sgalla414
    Keep your account public. Make sure if you are promoting your account you have more than one post. If you don't have anything for people to engage with why should they follow you? Make sure there is enough content and GOOD content for your paid promotions to get people to stick.
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