Youtube channel w/ 3mi views and 6k subscribers. How to make money with it?

2 replies
I have this youtube channel with 'how to videos' in a specific niche (won't say it here, but it's similar to 'how to tune a guitar') - and I don't know what to do with it.

The content is NOT original (got it from other channels). I used to make some money with ads, but 1 year ago someone reported me and I got suspended, so now I can't have ads on them anymore (videos are still up, though).

Right now it has roughly 3 million views and 6k subscribers, and it gets thousands of views every day.

My question is: is there anything I can do with it? Or is it rubbish?

#3mi #channel #make #money #subscribers #views #w or #youtube
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  • Profile picture of the author WF Will
    Originally Posted by Bruno Padilha View Post

    I have this youtube channel with 'how to videos' in a specific niche (won't say it here, but it's similar to 'how to tune a guitar') - and I don't know what to do with it.

    The content is NOT original (got it from other channels). I used to make some money with ads, but 1 year ago someone reported me and I got suspended, so now I can't have ads on them anymore (videos are still up, though).

    Right now it has roughly 3 million views and 6k subscribers, and it gets thousands of views every day.

    My question is: is there anything I can do with it? Or is it rubbish?

    Hey Bruno, you may be able to make money through Sponsorship. There are a lot of Reaction Channels on YouTube right now and they are going through a similar problem as you.

    Some of them still utilize ads but they need to add breaks in the video every couple seconds to avoid copyright (I assume) but lowers the quality and engagement on your video.

    So sponsorship & affiliates is probably the way to go
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  • Profile picture of the author cearionmarie
    It's quite unfortunate that you can no longer monetize your channel through platform ads. However, you can still have the option to sell merch in there but it looks like a long shot and is going to really take some time.

    Cearion Uy - Marketing Advisor

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