Scheduling social media posts

6 replies
I am a sales person and I am looking for a good scheduling tool for social media. What do sales people use to promote their products on social media?
#media #posts #scheduling #social
  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    There are lots out there. To me they are too expensive. Although if I were managing social media campaigns for clients then it would be worth it. I used hootsuite years ago when they had a scaled down free version. But for one brand on 3 or 4 platforms it is not worth the $30.00 per month.

    There is a relatively new player called zoho, they have a single brand with 7 social profiles for $10.00 per month, that might be worth it


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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    • Profile picture of the author natostanco
      Originally Posted by agmccall View Post

      There are lots out there. To me they are too expensive. Although if I were managing social media campaigns for clients then it would be worth it. I used hootsuite years ago when they had a scaled down free version. But for one brand on 3 or 4 platforms it is not worth the $30.00 per month.

      There is a relatively new player called zoho, they have a single brand with 7 social profiles for $10.00 per month, that might be worth it

      Thanks so much for the suggestion. I saw a guide that recommended them but I was a little suspicious of where I was spending my money. Zoho is the one I saw.
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  • Profile picture of the author vannawishum
    There are lot's of schedule tools but but not all of them are reliable. Below are some best tool you can use.

    1. Bufferapp
    2. Hootsuite
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    • Profile picture of the author James London
      Definitely with you on this one. It's the only way to go. While you may be paying for what you get, do you really want to skimp when it comes to your social media presence?
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  • Profile picture of the author Sophie Leonard
    Social media scheduling tools are more than just a convenient shortcut to queue up posts. The right tools help your overall social media management process, improving your efficiency so you have more time to push out great content and develop connections with your followers in real time.
    Some of the best social media scheduling tools that can boost your marketing workflow are:
    • Sprout Social
    • CoSchedule
    • Feedly
    • Airtable
    • Tweetdeck
    • Planable
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