Major platforms reduce streaming quality as mass quarantine goes on

by WF- Enzo Administrator
8 replies
Almost everyone is at home, quarantined from the rest, and practicing social distancing. This means that internet traffic is high, while advertising spending is low.

In response to the quarantine measures, media platforms have pushed to adjust streaming rates to keep their platforms stable and functioning during this sudden and massive traffic surge. Here are some platforms which made adjustments.


The social giant announced they're tentatively reducing video stream quality for both Facebook and Instagram for EU users to help alleviate network congestion.


The top video platform also announced they're reducing streaming quality globally for a month. YouTube videos will default to 480p standard definition quality, but users can always manually select a higher-quality setting.


Amazon's subscription arm Amazon Prime also announced a downgrade in video quality, again for EU users, to help ease network congestion.


The media platform likewise adjusts its streaming quality for users in Australia, NZ, EU, India, Israel, and Argentina as more people work from home due to the coronavirus pandemic.
#major #mass #platforms #quality #quarantine #reduce #streaming
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  • Profile picture of the author AliceStyles
    I guess we needed such a thing. Thanks for this.
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  • Profile picture of the author saman753
    Sure, this will happen because, all are at home, no works, only online.
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  • Profile picture of the author link201
    europe did the same thing a few weeks ago, figured we would follow
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  • Profile picture of the author Dave Earley
    Incorrect. Almost everyone is not at home. I live in a major city next to a few other major cities, and while our downtowns may appear evacuated, everyone is in the suburbs doing whatever they please. People are having parties, filling the grocery stores, ordering from restaurants and congregating at parks. Hundreds of people are complaining about this on social media. Many of our businesses (restaurants specifically) have adapted by selling things people cannot seem to find, such as toilet paper.

    The other thing you said about video streaming is probably accurate. More videos are probably being watched, and definitely live streamed because people cannot go to certain places of work, or see their friends and families and all that. I guess I shouldn't get my hopes up about the quality of video I'm planning on uploading soon.
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    • Profile picture of the author LEE BYRON
      You people are suicide if not stay at home, you should copy what our Chinese have done if you want less people die
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  • Profile picture of the author Kathrilas
    That's a very good news cause amount of people will really be enormous for everything like that absolutely and entirely. I do not even see how we can sit another month or two at home watching out all this for all possible levels.
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  • Profile picture of the author webcontent
    Yes, this is true and worse is in India, where news channels are convincing parents to prepare videos of their kids with message for corona and send them. Due to this already few of the major cities are consuming more than 100% of Internet. Internet speed has affected by 20% and social media sites have reported more than 40% of burden. But is this right?? Guess not! As this is going to put an important on Internet providers and the last sufferers are those trying to work from home. Not just work, even Internet is required for some relevant news as well. Don't you think what will happen if Internet is not working in next 2-3 days?
    Thoughtful Minds - Offering Content writing, Copywriting that Search Engines and user both love.
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  • I have noticed this happening not just with videos but also with games. More people are gaming now. There's a bit of latency and it's harder to get into games.
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