Finding large FB pages to advertise on.

2 replies
How to find large pages on FB with real followers.

So I tried Fiverr, but all you have there is 100K followers with 3 people who like a post. AKA fake followers.

But there must be a way or a list with real pages you can make a paid share to advertise on. Anybody an idea were to find them? Besides looking on FB and finding them.
#advertise #finding #large #pages
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    Originally Posted by allegandro View Post

    How to find large pages on FB with real followers.

    So I tried Fiverr, but all you have there is 100K followers with 3 people who like a post. AKA fake followers.

    But there must be a way or a list with real pages you can make a paid share to advertise on. Anybody an idea were to find them? Besides looking on FB and finding them.
    Well, what about FB Group?

    I've a naturally growth fb groups with iphone niche
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