Forbes: The Top Social Media Apps Of 2020, According To Apptopia

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4 replies
Forbes reports that, as 2020 comes to a close, these social media apps are the ones that occupied America during lockdowns and pandemic measures.

Popularity here gets based on the most downloaded apps, not total users -- and that's across both iOS and Android, measured between January and November 2020. All the figures come from Apptopia, which is a software and data analytics company.

The Top standard social media apps

TikTok won through, in spite of the US president making numerous attempts to ban the platform. The app scored more than 82 million downloads in 2020. Insta has recently tried to copy the Chinese-owned social media app, and that suggests that Reels isn't going to be enough to topple the platform in 2021 - but that remains to be seen. The author's sister - a Gen Z TikTok fan, comments:

"TikTok is enjoyable because the algorithm works to meet my needs and interests. So while I get to laugh at funny videos or pointed jokes, I also get to learn about new topics through fast-paced media."
Instagram came in second here with about 57.5 million total downloads. Snapchat got over 43 million downloads for third place, maintaining a steady growth during 2020. Facebook came in just below Snapchat with 42 million total downloads. Twitter was next, with 25 million new downloads.

Top Video Conferencing Apps of 2020

Zoom dominated this category, gaining an impressive 73 million new users in the year of Coronavirus. Google Duo scored 18 million new users in 2020, becoming the second most downloaded video conferencing app. Houseparty's rise in popularity continued between January and November, seeing more than 15 million new users.

Top messaging apps of 2020

Messenger hit the top spot here, with over 51 million new users. WhatsApp came in second, with 41 million downloads.
#2020 #apps #apptopia #forbes #media #social #top
  • Profile picture of the author Leadnetwork
    Nice to know these stats, it seems fair
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11637608].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author fazeelbaig
    Good to see the ranking of Zoom app. It rises up because of the lock down.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11637628].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Stanley
    For all the attention Gen Z-driven TikTok gets (deservedly so given the year it had), find it interesting the opportunity that exists among older generations - a bigger group, population wise, and a group for whom mobile usage is growing much faster:

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11646169].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AlbertaB
    I thought Instagram will be the most popular social media app instead of TikTok. I was so surprised!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11647242].message }}

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