Sending out tweets is worth it - since I'll get 10 views?

8 replies
I have some ebay listings.

I've been sending tweets with funny remarks on the images.
Similar to a meme for example.

I don't have a massive following or anything at all. The twitter account is a fairly virgin account - maybe 12 months old.

When I send a tweet, I try to use meaningful related hashtags.

It takes a few minutes - to edit image and add text and write a funny twet.

Am I wasting my time?
My guess is that out of millions (or thousands) that might have an interest in the hashtag... I get say 10 clicks??

If so... then worth it I say!!

Would like to hear from others more experienced.
#sending #tweets #views #worth
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Stanley
    While there doesn't seem to be much downside / opportunity cost to doing this, haven't found that this is the type of thing Twitter excels at driving sales for. What are you doing on eBay itself? Are you experimenting with any other marketplaces?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11641238].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author starengine
    Thanks for the reply.

    No, not experimenting with other marketplaces
    I need to get ebay out of my head
    It's absolutely the worst place to sell - customer service is the worst in the world. Their uncaring and unfairness is shocking.

    I hear Amazon is bad as well - but then you make 20x there from what I hear.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11641389].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
      Originally Posted by starengine View Post

      Thanks for the reply.

      It's absolutely the worst place to sell - customer service is the worst in the world. Their uncaring and unfairness is shocking.

      I hear Amazon is bad as well - but then you make 20x there from what I hear.
      Have you ever read the terms of service on Ebay ? If you think Ebay is the worst, don't even bother with Amazon.

      Your posts make it sound like you are ignoring the terms of service. Amazon will shut down your account down before you even get a chance to sell there.

      Funny most people on this forum selling on those platforms. Never have any issues with them.
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    • Profile picture of the author Matthew Stanley
      yeah - part of leveraging platforms and customer relationships you don't "own" is playing by their rulebook. That said, these rules tend to exist for a reason - and are in theory optimized for continued growth and satisfaction for both buyers and sellers (obviously there are exceptions to this, particularly for monoliths as powerful as Amazon). As DWolfe said, there are countless thriving businesses on Amazon as well as other marketplace platforms (generally speaking, as well as ones run by folks on this very website). Perhaps investigating the nuts and bolts of getting started there would be a good next step?
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  • Profile picture of the author ashwinsd
    If you are not getting clicks, then it is a waste of time. Try your strategy on other social networks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I need to get ebay out of my head
    It's absolutely the worst place to sell

    Or maybe you need to learn from an expert?
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11641492].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author starengine
    Thanks for the replies guys.
    All educational.

    I never had any idea that the tweets, you can see the engagement level.
    I was pleasantly surprised. The ads do get views. Some have had 200 - 300 views.
    Others had just 20.
    Views is nothing of course
    Some have had clicks! LOL.

    + I would say that the ebay sales seem to be up just a little bit - but not sure if it's correct to make a connection at this moment in time.

    @KayKing that looks like a great thread. I read through all pages, scan reading. I'm an old timer on ebay. The number one rule that trumps everything is sales. The more you sell, the more you sell - there's a lot more to it though, but that factor is the king of everything.
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  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    Apart from all the other advices here you should also engage with followers and others in the same niche. Comment on their posts, like them etc. This way you get also more exposure to your stuff
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