Facebook Marketing Advice, Courses, etc...

3 replies
Well hello everyone,

I will get right to the point. I have been out of the IM game for a long time.

I am starting a new project and need to get caught up on the latest facebook marketing and advertising methods as quickly as possible.

Any and all (edit) advice would be appreciated
#advice #courses #facebook #marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Moved this to the Social Media section - loads of Facebook info here. Also, use forum search (advanced search) - search for POSTS by keywords to find relevant recent threads that might help you.

    I'm sure members will post advice but you won't get a full tutorial in one forum thread so will help you to read through the Facebook threads already in this section.
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    • Thanks for the heads up. I haven't posted here in years.

      I have been searching around on here for quality information but haven't really come across anything compelling
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    You have opportunity to use your face book profile to ,join relevant groups to drive engagement but ofcourse it has to be done in away that doesn't interrupt. In other words it should be valuable and convenient .

    Make sure you post 2 -3 times per day using your facebook profile but don't spam people with your products and services otherwise you will defeat the purpose .

    I would also advise you to net work in relevant groups and share your input .

    You can also use facebook ads to to boost your post but maybe start a fen page produce snippets of content and use it as an advertising magnet to draw people in
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