Twitter Wants to Let Users Untag Themselves From Tweets

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A new article on Search Engine Journal reports that Twitter wants to give users more control over who can mention them in tweets.

Twitter is working on a feature that will allow users to unmention themselves from other peoples' tweets. The idea is to let Twitter users control unwanted attention with the option to untag themselves from conversations they don't want to be involved in.

Twitter users will soon have a quick and easy way to untag their account from a tweet they don't want to be associated with. In the platform's early design, users can tap the three-dot menu icon at the top of a tweet they're mentioned in and select "Unmention yourself from this conversation." The link to the user's Twitter profile will then be removed from the tweet, and they won't be bothered by it again.

When users are mentioned in tweets by accounts they don't follow, they'll get a special notification. They'll then have the option to unmention themselves by tapping "Unmention yourself" from the notifications tab. When this option is selected, the person who posted the tweet won't be notified about the untagging.

When users choose to unmention themselves from tweets by people they don't follow, the author will not be able to mention that user again in the future. Users will be able to proactively control their mentions by restricting certain accounts from a new settings screen. There will also be an additional option to only allow mentions from people the user follows.

If Twitter users want the ultimate in peace and quiet, they can even pause all mentions from everyone for a set period of time. When selecting the option to pause all mentions, users can choose intervals of one day, three days, or seven days.

Controlling Mass Mentions

Twitter also wants to put safeguards in place for occasions when users get a huge number of mentions all at once. The platform will first alert the user to the fact they're getting so many mentions. It's not yet known when unmentioning will become available, though it's certain to be rolled out at some point when Twitter feels it's ready to launch.
#tweets #twitter #untag #users
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  • Profile picture of the author N1coleW
    Nice, this is a useful feature, more control of your reputation and account. I think this can help get rid of haters at least a little and not spread their posts.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11671716].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author theguyz
    This will be a great feature in the future!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11671923].message }}
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