Which short-video platform is working best for you?

by WF- Enzo Administrator
18 replies
TikTok, Instagram Reels, or YouTube Shorts?

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#platform #shortvideo #working
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    In my case i use only youtube shorts and i can say i get some decent traffic from it but i also work hard i create a lot of videos
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    To me both of them have their advantages its just a matter of me tailoring and delivering my content accordingly.
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  • Profile picture of the author Old Molases
    Youtube works great for me tbh.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ann87
    Probably, for me, YouTube still works better than other tools.
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  • Profile picture of the author ankushkohli
    There are many short video platforms and all have their own advantages, but I prefer YouTube for business, because their engagement rates are so high.
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  • Profile picture of the author sageshark
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    • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
      So you folks spend more time on YouTube Shorts and/or Instagram Reels, no?

      Originally Posted by sageshark View Post

      I am from India and Tiktok is banned here. But I make short youtube videos. They are working great for me because their reach is more when we add a hashtag #short in the title of the videos. Also we can gain more subscribers with #short videos.

      I have seen increment in my channel's revenue since the time I started uploading shorts. Even though shorts watch time is not counted for the total watch time of the channel, the subscribers I am gaining are watching my other videos that is helping me to boost the revenue.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    I don't do tiktok but i do use Youtube Shorts. I had a surge in subscribers in 1 day after my first uploaded Youtube short video.
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  • Profile picture of the author Obaasia
    It's depend on geo I think so..
    somewhere one working best, in other geo - others...
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  • Tiktok is a great video platform for businesses with physical products. I've seen many stores sell out after one Tiktok video.
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  • Profile picture of the author Artkantos
    Tiktok is pretty crazy, I got like 500 followers and 20k-30k views in my first week and I didn't even know how to use the platform...Pretty stupid too haha, I don't like, but it works
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  • Profile picture of the author nahidur
    Some of the most popular short-video platforms include TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and Instagram Reels.
    Youtube works great for me. It's depend on geo I think so..
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    • Profile picture of the author Artkantos
      Originally Posted by nahidur View Post

      Some of the most popular short-video platforms include TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and Instagram Reels.
      Youtube works great for me. It's depend on geo I think so..
      On geo and on the kind of content you're more comfortable creating...I see some people trying to do Tiktok and failing miserably because they don't seem to adapt or understand the platform and they would do probably better in Instagram or Youtube...What's best it's always a tricky question
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    I am just staring to tap into instagram reels but I am getting the most traction on tik tok .
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    • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
      Assuming you've settled down on Reels, do you think you'd get more traction on TikTok or Reels?

      Originally Posted by Jamell View Post

      I am just staring to tap into instagram reels but I am getting the most traction on tik tok .
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  • Profile picture of the author ChristopherAndreas
    As for me - TikTok is the current champion of short-form video! But it depends on your needs and targets!
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  • Profile picture of the author stealthtech
    Compared to YouTube and TikTok, Instagram works best for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author BarbaraRogers
    I'd like to go for TikTok shorts.
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    • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
      Isn't that for YouTube? There's no such thing as "TikTok shorts" lol

      Originally Posted by BarbaraRogers View Post

      I'd like to go for TikTok shorts.
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