New content analytics coming soon to LinkedIn

by Administrator
4 replies
A new article on Search Engine Land says that if you've been patiently waiting for better content analytics from LinkedIn, soon you'll have more Post insights.

Better Post analytics is coming to LinkedIn. This is great news for content creators who want better insights into which types of content are performing best on the network. While LinkedIn was a bit light on details, we know you will soon have more details on the people who read and engage with your content, such as:
  • Job titles.
  • Industries.
  • Locations
  • Engagement patterns.

What LinkedIn is saying

"We know it's important to understand what content is resonating with your audience and our team has been hard at work building new analytics for our creators. Soon, creators will be able to get analytics on their individual posts and overall performance, across content & audience."
Speaking of reactions, one other frequently requested feature - the laughing emoji - is also apparently coming soon to LinkedIn. All I have to say about that is ????. The company announced a slew of other coming updates, including the podcast network, in their Building LinkedIn newsletter.

More data!

We're marketers, which means we want to measure how our content is performing on every platform. Are you reaching the audience you want to on LinkedIn? With this upcoming change, hopefully you'll be better able to answer that question on LinkedIn. We all want to better understand whether our content is resonating, and with whom. If it isn't, we learn from those failures. If it is, we try our best to replicate those results in future content marketing efforts.
#analytics #coming #content #linkedin
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  • Profile picture of the author angrybudcom
    They are obviously losing in sales these days even though not reporting it. I think. It was once a reliable respectable business network, where people talked about business making contacts and deals, however - over latest few years - they made a huge step towards being a facebook.

    1) Insane censorship made people go away or neglect the activity, as of many my buddies there, who have had active accounts on for 10-15 years, are now inactive or find the network useless (better say - not useful anymore). It was for business, now it is for job, if we feel the difference.

    2) They have changed the super-permanent "job banner" which was hanging there unchanged for all the history of LI, means for a more than a decade, but they have changed it suddenly in 2022. Why?

    3) Their job offers just do not work at all anymore, the list is flooded with BS, and they charge companies for posting and no responses, never I saw a single response from a job-offerer as long as explored (for sake of exploration). Of course there are some, but you get me right. Think that, who on Earth needs 200,000 automatic CVs sent just in case upon your ads, based on keywords - that's their job service at a glance. How many ppl in HR does your company have? - This.

    4) Right before the crisis and enforcing the censorship they promoted in mainstream news how big they grow suddenly. Well, from one hand f** that censorship, who cares, BUT the real issue is that the business folk goes away either keep silent, that's the real bad outcome of the new policy. They kind-of "offend" (or say it "unwelcome") real ppl but they do welcome numbers, not quality.

    There are more points. However, the bottom line (I think) is that they are FB now, the rest follows.

    So, we WELCOME NEW FB into our space =)) that's okay.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11708629].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
      Probably don't agree on losing sales, but yes they're annoyingly becoming like Facebook.

      Originally Posted by angrybudcom View Post

      They are obviously losing in sales these days even though not reporting it. I think. It was once a reliable respectable business network, where people talked about business making contacts and deals, however - over latest few years - they made a huge step towards being a facebook.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11709046].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ojzone
    Better late than never. Great news and would help recruiters to analyze their posts as now a days the HR industry uses LinkedIn extensively.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11710850].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
      I'm sure HR professionals have been on LinkedIn ever since.

      Originally Posted by ojzone View Post

      Better late than never. Great news and would help recruiters to analyze their posts as now a days the HR industry uses LinkedIn extensively.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11710862].message }}
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