Are you a YouTube marketer? They're launching text markup in descriptions, plus new loyalty badges

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A new article on Social Media Today reports on a relatively small change that could potentially make a massive difference for some marketers out there. In an interesting new YouTube update, the platform is providing options for text markup within video descriptions, so you'll soon be able to add bold, italics and strikethrough text within your video descriptions.

As you can see in this example, now, when you're putting together your video description - for regular uploads and Shorts - you can add text formatting, using basic markup parameters, which could help to make your video descriptions stand out in-stream.

And that's not all. YouTube says that the option will be rolled out to all creators by the end of next week. The platform has also added new custom loyalty badge options for three- and four-year channel members. Loyalty badges show up in the comment section on your YouTube clips, with creators able to upload custom loyalty badge artwork to signify their subscribers in the chat.

Loyalty badges are already available in increments up to two years, but now, creators will also be able to add new markers to signify longer-term channel members. That'll provide more options to build community engagement, and incentivize longer-term subscriptions, while it could also help to manage your channel engagement, with longer-tenured subscribers also holding a level of seniority, enabling them to wade into debates and disagreements, and influence the culture of your audience.
#badges #descriptions #launching #loyalty #marketer #markup #text #youtube
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