Pinterest partners with The Louvre for video content

by Administrator
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Pinterest has taken the next step in its developing video content strategy by announcing a new relationship with The Louvre, which will allow users to experience the famous art exhibition through video features within the app.

The video series will take users behind the scenes and show off previously unknown aspects of the place, increasing engagement potential.

"Through a series of original videos, "A look at the Louvre," shares the museum's masterpieces and architecture at the crossroads of centuries. The content features off-the-beaten-path tours to discover both its collections and the museum's courtyards and staircases, as well as unusual places. The videos invite viewers to admire details within the museum, such as beautifully crafted ceilings and views from the windows."
The new endeavor is intended to broaden Pinterest's original content and make it more of a destination for entertainment, in addition to shopping - while shopping remains the app's primary emphasis, with Pinterest stating that it is also seeking to improve its live-streaming capabilities.

"The goal is to develop an ecosystem of creators, enrich content production and accelerate live streaming on Pinterest. In the coming months, more original programs will be introduced across Pinterest's core categories such as cooking, travel, decoration, and much more."
Live-streaming has become the Holy Grail of eCommerce, with every platform interested in in-app selling now aiming to incorporate live-stream buying and capitalize on Asian market trends.

It makes sense, and if live-stream shopping becomes popular, Pinterest will undoubtedly want to keep in touch.

As a result, this is only the first step in Pinterest's new video content strategy.
#content #louvre #partners #pinterest #video
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  • Profile picture of the author Parpella Kerala
    Hi all, I am new to this forum. Looking forward for more interesting topics.
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  • Profile picture of the author shohanur001
    I am interested tish topic
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  • Profile picture of the author pandikannan
    so we can promote through videos in pin hereafter.
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  • Profile picture of the author tkhassan
    Wishing them all the best with their partnership.
    Signature - Quality Domains and Web Hosting
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