Twitter removes access to certain third-party tweet management tools

by Administrator
4 replies

Twitter has apparently disabled API access for a number of third-party apps, including popular utilities like Tweetbot and Twitterrific, in a fresh attempt to discourage consumers from accessing the platform through third-party sites, forcing them to return to Twitter directly.

The cut-off occurred without warning last Thursday, with numerous programs unable to access Twitter's APIs, rendering them practically inoperable. The initial assumption was that this was an error, something Twitter has had many of lately. However, The Information reported on Saturday that, according to internal Twitter emails obtained, this was a purposeful restriction of access.

Twitter, on the hand, hasn't shared anything.

The developer community has slammed Twitter's actions, calling them unprofessional and a "irreparable breach of trust" between the company and its developers and users.

Though Twitter's actions are not without precedent. Twitter said last month that it would block any links to other social networks in order to eliminate what it perceives as free promotion for its competitors in the app. Twitter changed its decision within hours after widespread criticism of the upgrade, but the reasoning behind the decision suggests that Twitter CEO Elon Musk is opposed to other sites using Twitter for their own objectives.

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#access #management #removes #thirdparty #tools #tweet #twitter
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  • Profile picture of the author Ondre
    IDK, I've never had a positive experience neither with Twitter nor with its API. But still, things, as described ideally, should never happen.
    Ah, sorry, I forgot the world isn't perfect)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11743226].message }}
  • This would have been fine if they made TweetDeck better. Instead, they made it harder to access and harder to use
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11743797].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Sardar87
    very useful option for user
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11748317].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author RMRC
    Seems like an odd move. Then again I don't use Twitter. Maybe one day I will
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11748450].message }}
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