Instagram rolls out age verification to more regions

According to Meta:
"Starting today, we're beginning to expand our Instagram age verification test to Mexico, Canada, South Korea, Australia, Japan, and more countries in Europe. This builds on an expansion to India and Brazil we announced in October, with more countries coming in the next few months." |
- Uploaded government ID
- Recorded video selfie
- Ask mutuals to verify their age
According to Meta, the procedure has proven to be very successful, as 96% of teenagers who sought to change their birthdays from under 18 to over 18 were prevented from doing so.
This increased level of authentication might go a long way toward preventing marketers from specifically targeting young users with offensive advertisements and preventing them from accessing potentially hazardous portions of the app.
So, the extension is yet another significant breakthrough that may significantly enhance the platform's safety features.
It's not a solution, but it is another step that may be very important.
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