My Facebook account been lock , I getting tired

14 replies
Ok, so I follow their instruction send my id , first two times cannot work later 3rd time can via whatapp. I go the link they provide to unlock EPIC after I log in it claim expired??? I saw the message claim I have till June to log in unlock.

So never mind, I tried resubmit my id this time got Limited! Keep showing me tried again later.

So I tried another option, now they got so call Live FB support at the corner icon. I check , they claim can do a video selfie , write down the code they send you. They will tell u move your head left right up and down, and point the code for faster unlock.

I did that also no reply from them .

My profile is a cat , my name is my nick. I don't know perhaps this is why cannot get unlock ?

I used to managed to unlock last time despite the profile photo is a cat and my name is a nick while submit my id last time.

Just wonder any one of you have another faster way to unlock FB account?

This account is important for me as I use for online business already have some I feel like headless chicken.......
#account #facebook #lock #tired
  • Originally Posted by Devilfish168 View Post

    My profile is a cat , my name is my nick. I don't know perhaps this is why cannot get unlock ?

    I used to managed to unlock last time despite the profile photo is a cat and my name is a nick while submit my id last time. .
    From what I understand, your main account has to be your real name. I mean sending in ID that has a different name than your account, shouldn't be accepted. The point of sending in ID is to match the basic info up.

    Other than that, I have nothing else. But I would try to rectify that name issue if it were me.

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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by Devilfish168 View Post

    This account is important for me as I use for online business already have some I feel like headless chicken.......

    It has long been established that you should never
    build your business on FB or any other social media
    platform because you have no control over it.

    Social media is fine to drive traffic with posts and/or
    ads, but not to where you are dependent upon it.

    I've heard of people with FB groups, making money
    for years promoting products and driving sales and
    then all of a sudden they get shutdown.

    I hope that you get your issues resolved, but I would
    advise you to develop another strategy.

    Maybe it's time for you to develop an entirely different
    business than what you are currently doing.

    There are hundreds of ways to make money online.

    This is yet another reason to have more than one
    income stream.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11793021].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Devilfish168
    Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

    From what I understand, your main account has to be your real name. I mean sending in ID that has a different name than your account, shouldn't be accepted. The point of sending in ID is to match the basic info up.

    Other than that, I have nothing else. But I would try to rectify that name issue if it were me.

    Just now I got FB message me in whatapp tell me reactivate the lock account. I get surprised in fact as I tried first time it claim expire. This time I manage to unlock my account. BUT THAT is short live... I go post in group , and suddenly My account get lock again! So I try to resubmit my ID , the system limit my submit again. This time even FB so call live support icon below is gone. I don't know maybe is off duty? But also useless is literally a bot! There are time it seem like a real person talk me , but the reply always tell me follow the instruction while I log in submit ID but How I submit is limited block my submit.

    I don't know FB will send me that re activated link again via whatapp since I managed to unlock before...... Have to wait till tomorrow or worst weeks who know.

    But For sure they never disable or suspend my account or else why I still can log in and it claim my account is Lock......Now I just have to wait again

    Originally Posted by Monetize View Post

    It has long been established that you should never
    build your business on FB or any other social media
    platform because you have no control over it.

    Social media is fine to drive traffic with posts and/or
    ads, but not to where you are dependent upon it.

    I've heard of people with FB groups, making money
    for years promoting products and driving sales and
    then all of a sudden they get shutdown.

    I hope that you get your issues resolved, but I would
    advise you to develop another strategy.

    Maybe it's time for you to develop an entirely different
    business than what you are currently doing.

    There are hundreds of ways to make money online.

    This is yet another reason to have more than one
    income stream.

    I got build an entertainment website. Also include my FB Page , than IG and Pinterest.

    My FB page in fact growing daily , this is why I anxious to get back my FB account to managed my FB page....

    As you see I have mention my problem again to Mark above. I got Lock again..... Now is perhaps I have to wait they will send me reactivate unlock link again or not but problem I managed to unlock my account just now but I so Stupid go post in group trigger the system lock my account again.....Now i can't submit my id again ......

    If You are me how ? IF cannot get back my FB account, I have to remove that FB page on my site ? Just show IG and Pinterest ?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11793025].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    "I don't know maybe is off duty? But also useless is literally a bot!" Most support questions are done through bots and now incorporate Artificial Intelligence. Plus today is a US Holiday probably making it harder to get live help. I'm not sure how FaceBook works but several other companies will lock you out 24-48 hours if you make too many login attempts.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11793046].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Devilfish168
      Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

      "I don't know maybe is off duty? But also useless is literally a bot!" Most support questions are done through bots and now incorporate Artificial Intelligence. Plus today is a US Holiday probably making it harder to get live help. I'm not sure how FaceBook works but several other companies will lock you out 24-48 hours if you make too many login attempts.
      Oh yea is US holiday. The problem is How I know can resubmit my id again? I just try the system again claim Limit try again later.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11793091].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Devilfish168
    Side note guys.

    As mention I got my FB account been lock again JUST because I post in group suddenly My account been lock again...

    I post is my website link but is on other people group.

    Now the Questions are, " IF " I can get back my FB account. In order not to get lock again come posting in group. Here are the Questions :

    - IF I post in my Own Group will the system trigger again I spam post in group?
    - IF I post in other people group But I'm the Moderator there , will trigger the system again lock my account for posting in group?

    Thanks guys.
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  • Profile picture of the author Devilfish168
    I managed to unlock my account yesterday but just now I post in Group which I'm the moderator get limit and suddenly my account get lock again. Lucky, I managed to get support to unlock but they never tell me about why or when I can post in group again as they only solve those on lock account. So I check my notfiication never show when my can post in group again. I only can see the last which is may 27 is already over my temp ban post in group. Today is 29 so I post and again my account get lock. Now already unlock , I don't post in group the question is how I know when I can post again don't get any nofication from FB.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11793207].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Monetize
      Originally Posted by Devilfish168 View Post

      I managed to unlock my account yesterday but just now I post in Group which I'm the moderator get limit and suddenly my account get lock again. Lucky, I managed to get support to unlock but they never tell me about why or when I can post in group again as they only solve those on lock account. So I check my notfiication never show when my can post in group again. I only can see the last which is may 27 is already over my temp ban post in group. Today is 29 so I post and again my account get lock. Now already unlock , I don't post in group the question is how I know when I can post again don't get any nofication from FB.

      Thank you for sharing your experience but I doubt if anybody
      here can tell you what is going on with your FB account.

      As for me, I have suggested that you devise another plan and
      move your business elsewhere, I believe these problems will
      be ongoing.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11793225].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Devilfish168
        Originally Posted by Monetize View Post

        Thank you for sharing your experience but I doubt if anybody
        here can tell you what is going on with your FB account.

        As for me, I have suggested that you devise another plan and
        move your business elsewhere, I believe these problems will
        be ongoing.
        what other plan you advise? Yea of course we don't solely depend just on FB . Also kinda crappy.

        Now the new Gen , i noticed they more on IG and TikTok hardly browse around on FB.

        My target audience in fact not say main target on Young gen also older gen. FB is more have older gen lurking around there.

        Of course another social media is X , Twitter. A lot also using it.

        I saw your nick , " Monetize" sound like you are expert on Adsense? Do you know another good alternative like adsense , come approve is easy and pay out is safe?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11793242].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Monetize
          Originally Posted by Devilfish168 View Post

          what other plan you advise? Yea of course we don't solely depend just on FB . Also kinda crappy.

          Now the new Gen , i noticed they more on IG and TikTok hardly browse around on FB.

          My target audience in fact not say main target on Young gen also older gen. FB is more have older gen lurking around there.

          Of course another social media is X , Twitter. A lot also using it.

          I saw your nick , " Monetize" sound like you are expert on Adsense? Do you know another good alternative like adsense , come approve is easy and pay out is safe?

          IG and FB are META Platforms, so keep that in mind.

          If you have a FB group, you should consider setting up a
          forum or membership site, but it depends on what you are
          marketing. You should do whatever works.

          I am a web developer, domainer, publisher and monetize
          my projects as much as possible. I love affiliate marketing
          because it frees me from dealing with shipping, refunds
          and customer service issues.

          My main niche has been my thing for 25 years, it is high
          ticket, high demand and low competition, a search for the
          topic on YouTube shows five (5) other people doing it.

          You can search for AdSense alternatives online.

          I would recommend that you use ChatGPT to help you
          with your business strategies. You can tell it your issues
          with FB and it will give you recommendations.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11793245].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Devilfish168
            Originally Posted by Monetize View Post

            IG and FB are META Platforms, so keep that in mind.

            If you have a FB group, you should consider setting up a
            forum or membership site, but it depends on what you are
            marketing. You should do whatever works.

            I am a web developer, domainer, publisher and monetize
            my projects as much as possible. I love affiliate marketing
            because it frees me from dealing with shipping, refunds
            and customer service issues.

            My main niche has been my thing for 25 years, it is high
            ticket, high demand and low competition, a search for the
            topic on YouTube shows five (5) other people doing it.

            You can search for AdSense alternatives online.

            I would recommend that you use ChatGPT to help you
            with your business strategies. You can tell it your issues
            with FB and it will give you recommendations.
            side note. Do you know how to leave Private FB group. Only this Group is " strange " I trying to leave cannot leave keep showing joined and this group still around in my list.

            Whereas other private groups I can leave but not this private group.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11793253].message }}
  • Have you got it back? Or still struggling?
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  • Profile picture of the author pencil220
    Me too, my account has been locked
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11794818].message }}

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