Anyone know how to avoid ad manager error?

4 replies
Looking to create new facebook ads accounts but keep running into this problem. Willing to pay if someone knows a workaround that is currently working.
#avoid #error #manager
  • Profile picture of the author CollegeCEO
    You would have to have each account with completely different payment info (i.e different cc numbers, paypal etc.) and basically no way of linking any two accounts to each other. I've learned that it's a lot easier to just run all your pages under one account.
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    • Profile picture of the author griffeydays
      Originally Posted by OmegaContent View Post

      You would have to have each account with completely different payment info (i.e different cc numbers, paypal etc.) and basically no way of linking any two accounts to each other. I've learned that it's a lot easier to just run all your pages under one account.
      Yeah I hear you on the much easier thing. The problem for me is that my ROI dies out on 5k or larger accounts. But somehow I can spend 10k a day in multiple small accounts without hurting ROI at all. I had a thread up here before looking for a JV that has large accounts and enough experience running them to know what adjustments I need to make to remain profitable on them. No luck so I'm still going the new accounts route.

      I am using completely different payment info for each account. Along with unique IP's and even devices. Appreciate your suggestions, what you said worked for me up until about a month or two ago. They've taken their security to the next level as usual, lol.
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      • Profile picture of the author CollegeCEO
        Originally Posted by griffeydays View Post

        Yeah I hear you on the much easier thing. The problem for me is that my ROI dies out on 5k or larger accounts. But somehow I can spend 10k a day in multiple small accounts without hurting ROI at all. I had a thread up here before looking for a JV that has large accounts and enough experience running them to know what adjustments I need to make to remain profitable on them. No luck so I'm still going the new accounts route.

        I am using completely different payment info for each account. Along with unique IP's and even devices. Appreciate your suggestions, what you said worked for me up until about a month or two ago. They've taken their security to the next level as usual, lol.
        Wow, didn't know things were getting that serious. Seems like you're running a larger scale operation. I would recommend trying to contact Facebook but from my experience that has pretty much been a waste. Good luck though.
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        • Profile picture of the author griffeydays
          Originally Posted by OmegaContent View Post

          Wow, didn't know things were getting that serious. Seems like you're running a larger scale operation. I would recommend trying to contact Facebook but from my experience that has pretty much been a waste. Good luck though.
          Yeah, I'm cloaking I want as little attention from FB as possible lol. Appreciate the advice though.
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