Free Viral Vote Exchange Facebook Group - The easiest way to DOMINATE social networks
I have just recently discovered the traffic you can get by creating false viral signals on social networks.
It is tough to do, as these sites are getting better and better at detecting bots/spam.
The only solution is to have a closed network of people that create viral activity on each other's social network submissions.
That way, everybody can get their posts viral, and everybody can keep their accounts spam free by consistently visiting other links (no pattern to recognize)
So I decided to make a Facebook Group called "VIRAL VOTE EXCHANGE" to create a network of marketers to vote up each others content while submitting their own. Anybody in this group can expect tons of traffic - so get in quick before we are full.
You can request to join here -
I will friend request you in order to add you to group.
Or, add me on Skype at "StartupBros" and ask me to get in.