4 replies
I was wondering if someone could send me a link or advise on an optin box SPECIFICALLY for capturing emails and names. I would like to put one on my FB fanpage to collect their outside email and name and was unsure on what works best (some recommend old school optins others white backdrop animated ones). Please could someone recommend their experience with the optin and which design works best.
#box #facebook #optin
  • Profile picture of the author neighborhub
    One of the best selling app's that we are working with these days are contests. Everyone likes FREE stuff.

    We use mailchimp which is free but also requires people to specifically agree to an optin with any sort of email submit. We got a work around with a system we use with contests.

    Here is our basic contest app: (It is like gated - you will need to like the page to see the app itself)

    With this example the people know what they are entering and providing the email and other information. When someone enters the information it states they know we are using it for the purpose of communication with them etc.

    Side note: We also provided a feature that rewarded entrants with extra chances to win for every friend they got to sign up as well.

    This contest: https://www.facebook.com/pemmicanbee...43514289027449

    We had a entrant when we first started that brought 127 extra likes/entrants to the page for 127 extra chances to win... worked pretty good overall.

    Hope that helps.

    Neighbor Hub
    Custom Web Development | Google Search Console | Specialized in Wordpress/Joomla Development

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    • Profile picture of the author tomocal2010
      Please could you private message me your email.
      Many Thanks
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      • Profile picture of the author MySocialPromo
        I offer a product that does exactly that ... and you can use it on your blogs, emails and Facebook fan pages. Check out my sig and follow the how it works page. I have a couple of two minute videos that demo the features.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7349721].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author neighborhub
        Originally Posted by tomocal2010 View Post

        Please could you private message me your email.
        Many Thanks
        Got your email through our contact form.

        Neighbor Hub
        Custom Web Development | Google Search Console | Specialized in Wordpress/Joomla Development

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