Facebook Marketing Tricks

by Sexy 7
6 replies
I would like to share one facebook marketing trick that I learned and perhaps you can share others.

I noticed that in order to get any serious volume of PPC clicks my bid had to be around $0.40 in my niche. This was not good since I only converted at $0.24 per click.

To overcome this I switched my bids to CPM instead of CPC. Then I created a dozen versions of my ad with different titles and images. Finally I ran all campaigns then cancelled all but the ones with the highest CTR.

I was left two ads instead of one and able to get my cost per click down to about $0.05

Anyone else care to share your experiences or FACEBOOK MARKETING TRICKS?
#facebook #marketing #tricks
  • Profile picture of the author Raineer
    Interesting. I've heard of many different FB ad tricks but never actually tried them ,to caught up in mobile and ORM. I hope someone can shed some light on this.
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  • Profile picture of the author spen
    Thanks for share it.
    Can you show me your ads? I am a newbie completely.
    I’d appreciate if you reply me.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7573979].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kazim
    You have shared unique tricks .
    Personally thanks for your idea.
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  • Profile picture of the author Justin Says
    Originally Posted by Sexy 7 View Post

    I would like to share one facebook marketing trick that I learned and perhaps you can share others.

    I noticed that in order to get any serious volume of PPC clicks my bid had to be around $0.40 in my niche. This was not good since I only converted at $0.24 per click.

    To overcome this I switched my bids to CPM instead of CPC. Then I created a dozen versions of my ad with different titles and images. Finally I ran all campaigns then cancelled all but the ones with the highest CTR.

    I was left two ads instead of one and able to get my cost per click down to about $0.05

    Anyone else care to share your experiences or FACEBOOK MARKETING TRICKS?
    My lowest cost per click was around $0.0025 and was only made possible via CPM.

    Mixing the 2 definitely can help though for both strategies. For example you can test campaigns for CPC and then switch back to CPM once you find a higher converting ad. The only problem with this...

    You might spend a few $$, which in my opinion isn't what I want to do.

    I aim for $0.01 no matter what and to do that I test multiple campaigns using CPM and just alter the campaigns until I have a high CTR.

    I only test each campaign at around $2.50 - $5.00 each. The higher CTR's obviously stay and I use them as new baselines in order to create future ads.

    My name is Justin Lewis. My digital marketing company has been in business for over 10 years with multiple six-figure years. We do provide a premium web design service.

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  • Profile picture of the author XenG
    Are you talking about the ads on facebook here? My first impression was the google results where you see those paid ads. I thought you were sharing about how to have better results with PPC in Google. So the idea also applies with facebook ads? I'm sorry. I'm quite a new with PPC.
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  • Profile picture of the author YasirYar
    Give people a reason to become fans. Stay on topic. Ask the right kind of questions. Include pictures in your Facebook updates. Celebrate your milestones. Get creative when your Facebook readers are most happy. Activate Facebook fans. Run a Facebook contest. Try out Sponsored Stories. Measure your Facebook marketing.

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