what is graph search in facebook?

14 replies
what is graph search in facebook?

i see some article facebbok is going to live his graph search?

how it will helpful for us ?
#facebook #graph #search
  • Profile picture of the author ErikWeich31021
    It is currently in Beta but basically it will be a social search using all the data from your social profiles... it will help you if you have profiles in different networks that are liking and sharing your main site/pages/stuff pretty powerful really but lets see how many people actually use it, me thinks that G is shaking a bit because if you can get great search results inside facebook when you are already there allllll dayyyy longggg why leave to go to google.... just my thoughts
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  • Profile picture of the author XanBarksdale
    Introducing Graph Search - Watch the short videos on this page and it will explain everything.
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  • Profile picture of the author NickSway
    Graph search is finding relative data based on your friendships.

    You can type in "restaurants in [city] that my friends like" and it will come up with a list of restaurants that are most liked by your friends.
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  • Profile picture of the author max4web
    It is very new and good thing in facebook to add graph with your post .
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  • Profile picture of the author AlwaysAwa
    And it a good tool stalking people as well. Also what happen if you defriend them?
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  • Profile picture of the author MarkLee743
    Facebook unveiled its search tool, which it calls "graph search," a reference to the network of friends its users have created. The company's algorithms will filter search results for each person, ranking the friends and brands that it thinks a user would trust the most. At first, it will mine users' interests, photos, check-ins and "likes," but later it will search through other information, including status updates.

    "While the usefulness of graph search increases as people share more about their favorite restaurants, music and other interests, the product doesn't hinge on this.

    Wish You Happy New Year 2018 in Advance

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  • Profile picture of the author CyborgX
    This also means Facebook just became more of a necessity for consumers than before. Lots of people have been wanting to know what the next Facebook will be?
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  • Profile picture of the author imadvantage
    Pretty powerful tool, and a great way to differentiate their search from Google's search.

    I'd be interested to see how this new technology can be applied to helping my customers with their Facebook business pages - from what I can see it seems to be more about your immediate Facebook friends rather than using it for broader Facebook interests research.
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  • Profile picture of the author eternalsongbird
    Graph search of facebook is a new addition. It is for searching relative data of Facebook friends.
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  • Profile picture of the author ERPLeadsWriter
    As everyone else stated, Facebook's new search is intended to refine results based on your personal social data and connections.

    If I may add though (and risk playing devil's advocate), I must say reactions have been cut cleanly in half between those who see potential for it in business and those who think Facebook is enabling skewed, biased searches just to have an edge over Google.
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  • Profile picture of the author Elfen Lied
    Facebook is basically a massive database of tagged entries; tagged photos of your cat, a tag designating the pizza place you checked into last weekend, tags for the roller derby you participated in with your friends from work, etc. Everything is part of a large taxonomy, a giant whirl of content. Facebook Graph Search gives users the ability to cut into that content and take out a meaningful slice. Graph Search indexes four main types of content: people, places, photos, and interests. Users can search across these categories using words that also work as search modifiers:
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  • Profile picture of the author Hu Dhaval
    Now i got the the idea ...this is really new thing in facebook.

    facebook thinks on different way for this search.

    i think every business man get the benefit from this facebbok graph search .
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  • Profile picture of the author Alliee
    Facebook unveiled their new Graph Search functionality, a new way to browse information on Facebook. While we predicted Facebook would move heavily into Search as a way to add additional revenue streams, up to $2 billion a year in additional advertising spend, we couldn't anticipate exactly how the new search engine would work. Graph Search promises to be a large boon for both small and large businesses, as the sheer amount of traffic on Facebook means that if only 10% adopt the Search technology in the first year, that could amount to trillions of connections. Think about it this way: now, your Facebook page is more than just your presence with which you can connect to users, it now doubles as a branded search engine result.
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  • Profile picture of the author YasirYar
    Facebook Graph Search is a social search feature the company announced Jan. 15. The feature is currently in private beta with a waitlist for individuals and businesses.

    What is it Good for?

    People Search – Finding people you’re connected to who have specific interests and experiences
    Local (and Vertical) Search – Finding a business and/or events that friends have visited and/or liked
    Media and Entertainment Search – Finding TV shows, movies, music, and games liked, watched, etc. by your friends

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