32 Likes In 5 hours (Page was created today)

15 replies
Hey Warriors,

I just started a page about 5 hours ago and from doing some basic FB engagement. I have 32 targeted likes to my page already. I am going to keep on doing what I am doing for a full 30 days and see where my page will be.

Just so you know, what I have been doing is following similar pages and participating in conversation. As well liking peoples comments. That's it. I know 32 likes is no crazy viral campaign, but it is steady. After 30 days, I should be well over 2000 fans which I could start a FB ad campaign targeting my fans friends.

Any suggestions on other techniques that will help grow my page (besides, proper mixed content, like box, etc...)? Looking forward to hearing from you guys/gals.


#created #hours #likes #page #today
  • Profile picture of the author learningprocess12
    please tell me How could you do this..
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  • Profile picture of the author AmilieLarson
    Congratulations MarketingQA. User engagement can help build an active facebook page.

    I can mention few tips:

    1) Asking Questions is a great way to start conversation with fans and is one of the easiest ways to encourage people to respond to your posts.

    2) Contests are another method to excite your visitors as they'll frequently visit your page to see if they've won.

    3) Call to action can help marketers drive audience to leave a response when they pass by your page.

    4) Posting 1-2 times a day can give a 40% higher chance of user engagement.

    5) Posting pictures can stand out way more than simple texts. This is one reason why this method also helps user engagement. By posting pictures, I didn't mean any picture will do. You can post "vs" type images for example: A question like - Justin Bieber Vs. Selena Gomez with a picture under it. I'm pretty sure you got an idea of what I'm speaking about.
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    • Profile picture of the author banx63
      Originally Posted by AmilieLarson View Post

      Congratulations MarketingQA. User engagement can help build an active facebook page.

      I can mention few tips:

      1) Asking Questions is a great way to start conversation with fans and is one of the easiest ways to encourage people to respond to your posts.

      2) Contests are another method to excite your visitors as they'll frequently visit your page to see if they've won.

      3) Call to action can help marketers drive audience to leave a response when they pass by your page.

      4) Posting 1-2 times a day can give a 40% higher chance of user engagement.

      5) Posting pictures can stand out way more than simple texts. This is one reason why this method also helps user engagement. By posting pictures, I didn't mean any picture will do. You can post "vs" type images for example: A question like - Justin Bieber Vs. Selena Gomez with a picture under it. I'm pretty sure you got an idea of what I'm speaking about.
      These are great tips - I really should concentrate more on my FB page. Thanks for this info!
      Message me about joining our secret Viral Sites Clan on Facebook (not for newbies)
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  • Profile picture of the author azak
    Sounds great and what AmilieLarson said is very useful too also check the below tips:

    1) When posting make sure not to pass 3 lines of text, as this will help you gain 60% more likes comments & shares.

    2) Post at optimal hours as age 18-24 demographic is highest from 9-10pm.

    3) Be Specific & relevant:
    Give insider info to make fans feel in the know
    Write about current events & holidays
    Link fans to articles that their community will care about

    4) Be compelling:
    Deliver value to fans.
    Speak from a specific voice that represents your brand.
    Position your brand as a problem solver.
    Give fans exclusive content, products, events, and offers.

    5) Try ilikefollow.com it will help you increase your fans.
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  • Profile picture of the author nightfury
    There is no way better than regular engagement on your page. So posting regular update & talking about current hot topic will help you growing fast.
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    • Profile picture of the author webgal1985
      I really need to work on my FB page, but may need some help. That is an awesome "like" rate--any chance you might want to help me with my page?
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      • Profile picture of the author jamescanz
        Here are some great tips and have allowed me to do well creating my fan page and getting to almost 2k likes in a little more than a month:

        1) Pictures dominate. I have tested many times, and including a picture in your status always bumps up the amount of likes, comments, and shares. So include pictures as much as you can.

        2) Ask questions in your status. "What do you think?" "What would you rate this 1-10?" "Which one is your favorite?" Of course include pictures (once again) with those updates. People love sharing their opinions and the more comments your status gets, the more engagement and activity.

        Note: "Caption this:" works like a charm

        3) Add call to actions in status updates. "Click the like button if you love this!" I could go on forever but I have tested this as well. When you add a call to action, people are more likely to do what you ask.

        4) Caring is sharing
        . Not only should you ask followers to share, you should also share other pictures and videos of fan pages related to you. Recently a fan page of over 50k shared a picture of mine and from that it got 130 shares to my page and about 700 new likes in a few days. The picture also got about 130 likes which is nice.

        5) Post often
        . How often? Well that is up to you. But as far as only once a day, I wouldn't recommend doing that, and you should always be testing things like amount of posts, times, and what gets the best or most amount of responses.

        Statistic: I went from posting a few times a day (average around 5-6) to posting 24/25 times a day, and my reach number went from 4,000 all the way up to 28,000.

        All of these tactics will help attract more eyeballs to your page, which will also help increase your likes.

        Hope these helped
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  • Profile picture of the author MarketingQA
    Thanks for the additional tips guys. Woke up this morning to 62 new fans. Going to keep working on what I'm doing .

    As for the warriors that asked for my method, re-read my post, I mentioned that all I am doing is liking related pages, commenting on posts and liking posts using my page as the user. I will keep everyone updated on how my page is doing.

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  • Profile picture of the author franktwin
    You can also join other social media networks and intertwine your post and status updates and invite/import your contacts as well and send out invites.

    Skin Care Formulation Expert | Vitamin C Serum MyTrendyBlends.Com

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    • Profile picture of the author malcsimm
      Nice idea, MarketingQA - thanks for letting us know.

      And great tips from others here to. I have noted down your sage tips for digestion later - next time it's Facebook's time for a concentrated chunk of action ;-)


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      • Profile picture of the author jblinzy3
        I totally agree! One tip I would give to add, take on more content creators. I have roughly 20 other content creators besides myself.

        This will increase your post count on autopilot. The results will be high number of "people talking about this" and "people reached" which will shoot your likes up higher.

        You don't even have to pay. The recognition is payment enough from the fans of the page for most people. You do have to manage them, but that can be done on auto pilot as well.

        Manage them via email auto responder.

        Take what was suggested in this post and apply leveraged thinking behind it. Autopilot is your best friend lol! :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author JOnline
    Triple Your Facebook Likes in Two Weeks : @ProBlogger

    OK you got the likes going now start to look at monetizing
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  • Lots of really great information here thanks for sharing!
    I would like to add the following tricks:
    Like or comment on other similar business pages posts, I do at least 5 / day
    A small budget towards a paid facebook campaign to promote your page can go a long way in increasing your audience too - and you can be pretty specific in who you target so you get exactly the demographic you are looking for
    We sell pop-under web traffic, pop-under mobile traffic & layer ads on a geo-targetted CPM basis
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  • Profile picture of the author Zakhar
    Didn't read the replies above but whatever your doing - keep scaling it up, more pages, more people = better chances of conversion although for me personally Facebook is poop traffic I have pages with 60K / 700K real likes & you'd be shocked at how low the figures are because of the fact that Facebook keeps 90% of their traffic on-site.

    P.S my 2nd post here =) woo.
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