I need "Real" Facebook fans to my page - Best promotion methods pls ?

32 replies

I have a new FB fan page.. I want to make it VIRAL.

Its a lot of effort but I am up for it

I have tried the usual - inviting friends, posting on related groups etc.. but I just have 50 odd fans right now.. How do I take it to 10k ? or ..lets say 1k as a short term goal.

Which methods work for you ?

#facebook #fans #methods #page #pls #promotion #real
  • Profile picture of the author awledd
    If you can write niche articles in your blog, I believe you can make them 'like' you and they may be willing to be subscribed.
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  • Profile picture of the author winz
    Posting good tips/tricks
    link to your site
    then use "share to unlock content" plugin or something like that

    Hope it helps
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    • Profile picture of the author jamescanz
      There are tons of Facebook info that can help you here: Social Media Marketing Forum

      If you would like more "Real" Facebook fans, this post will definitely help you out, enjoy:

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      • Profile picture of the author Cyber Star
        Well, it depend on what path do you take, are you ready for the downhill journey which cost you a lot of money, or are you ready to take the uphill journey with almost no cost at all, but will bang your brain out because its extensive use of creativity.
        First path when you already prepare some capital, you can make small quiz and the winner will get a reward, the quiz will be related with your product. you can also directly pass free shirt, or free content, to anyone who share your page to their newsfeed.
        Second path, when you think your brain can handle the pressure, get ready to repost any cool photo, idea, meme, or cartoon comic which related with your niche. I sure your basic fans will share this creative post automatically and your fan page will become viral.
        Happy promotion!
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        • Profile picture of the author Icanwrite
          Originally Posted by awledd View Post

          If you can write niche articles in your blog, I believe you can make them 'like' you and they may be willing to be subscribed.
          My niche is very generic.. But article marketing is surely a tried and tested method

          Originally Posted by redfiredsoul View Post

          I believe I can help you. I can create pics that go viral. All you have to do is advertise the right post and you can get up to 1k real facebook fans per day if you it right.

          Feel free to check out my Facebook fan page. Plenty of pics there that I made myself that went viral.
          Example: https://www.facebook.com/17277525947...08883089195223


          Feel free to PM me if you are interested.
          Cool. Will check it out.

          Originally Posted by winz View Post

          Posting good tips/tricks
          link to your site
          then use "share to unlock content" plugin or something like that

          Hope it helps
          Ah. that sounds nice will check out the plugin.

          Originally Posted by jamescanz View Post

          There are tons of Facebook info that can help you here: Social Media Marketing Forum

          If you would like more "Real" Facebook fans, this post will definitely help you out, enjoy:

          Tried the FB page tricks already on my first day.. got 40 likes but nothing else since then. Just 1-2 "odd" likes now and then.

          Originally Posted by Cyber Star View Post

          Well, it depend on what path do you take, are you ready for the downhill journey which cost you a lot of money, or are you ready to take the uphill journey with almost no cost at all, but will bang your brain out because its extensive use of creativity.
          First path when you already prepare some capital, you can make small quiz and the winner will get a reward, the quiz will be related with your product. you can also directly pass free shirt, or free content, to anyone who share your page to their newsfeed.
          Second path, when you think your brain can handle the pressure, get ready to repost any cool photo, idea, meme, or cartoon comic which related with your niche. I sure your basic fans will share this creative post automatically and your fan page will become viral.
          Happy promotion!
          Yeah I tried the "meme" trick already.. I think I need to go for the contest part now.. The thing is, until the FB page is big, the contest won't reach a ton of audience either...
          Adventure travel blogger & outreach expert - WanderWithJo.com
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  • Profile picture of the author si588
    Yep it's always tough at the start.

    Get all your friends and business friends on there first.
    Then start liking a whole lot of pages that have your target market in them.
    Next start posting great content with "call to actions" of asking ppl to share and comment. Viral images and games are awesome as well.
    Now start becoming active on other pages as your page. meaning posting from being signed in as your page, not personal profile.
    Now i would do some ads and keep posting great content that will make people want to know more about your business and page. You can get $50 ad coupons for $5 from fiverr.com and you can get at least another 100-200 fans from that if you just make a basic ad of .."like" this page if you love.....
    Next you can partner up with other pages to cross promote. Ask them to give a post about your page to their fans and you will do it in return once your page grows.
    Then i would run a contest for massive traffic. Offerpop will do the job for free because your fans are so low.
    You would also want to collect emails and build your business list. Just put an opt-in in there and give something cool away for free. Then follow up in the emails selling them cool stuff they will love.
    Keep posting the viral images 3-5 times per day for 1-2 months and you will hit the 10k.

    Hope that helps
    Still struggling with Facebook...

    Finally Revealed! The Stupidly Simple Tricks That Force Your Fans To Build Your Pages For You...

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    • Profile picture of the author Icanwrite
      Hey some awesome ideas here.
      A silly question.. whenever I post on other pages my personal profile comes up.. how do I make my business page show up ?

      Originally Posted by si588 View Post

      Yep it's always tough at the start.

      Get all your friends and business friends on there first.
      Then start liking a whole lot of pages that have your target market in them.
      Next start posting great content with "call to actions" of asking ppl to share and comment. Viral images and games are awesome as well.
      Now start becoming active on other pages as your page. meaning posting from being signed in as your page, not personal profile.
      Now i would do some ads and keep posting great content that will make people want to know more about your business and page. You can get $50 ad coupons for $5 from fiverr.com and you can get at least another 100-200 fans from that if you just make a basic ad of .."like" this page if you love.....
      Next you can partner up with other pages to cross promote. Ask them to give a post about your page to their fans and you will do it in return once your page grows.
      Then i would run a contest for massive traffic. Offerpop will do the job for free because your fans are so low.
      You would also want to collect emails and build your business list. Just put an opt-in in there and give something cool away for free. Then follow up in the emails selling them cool stuff they will love.
      Keep posting the viral images 3-5 times per day for 1-2 months and you will hit the 10k.

      Hope that helps
      Adventure travel blogger & outreach expert - WanderWithJo.com
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      • Profile picture of the author linkassistant
        Originally Posted by Icanwrite View Post

        A silly question.. whenever I post on other pages my personal profile comes up.. how do I make my business page show up ?
        Before you can post to a person's page as a business, that person should have "liked" your page on Facebook. Then you need to choose "use Facebook as" in the top corner, find that person's page while browsing as a corporate entity and then leave a comment.

        Also, nothing works as good as FREE and FUNNY.

        Some people have already recommended using "like to unlock", "share to unlock" and similar techniques. These work great when you need to get more Facebook followers. But you need to be quite specific about what people are going to get once they unlock your offer, and the offer itself has to be appealing. Usually, it's a discount, a freebie, a whitepaper, etc.

        But then when you have that following, you'd want your posts to have higher Edgerank, so that they show up more frequently in the feed.
        SEO PowerSuite - the most trusted SEO software on the market!
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  • Profile picture of the author Coach Ke
    Originally Posted by Icanwrite View Post


    I have a new FB fan page.. I want to make it VIRAL.

    Its a lot of effort but I am up for it

    I have tried the usual - inviting friends, posting on related groups etc.. but I just have 50 odd fans right now.. How do I take it to 10k ? or ..lets say 1k as a short term goal.

    Which methods work for you ?

    Ads are the best methods. The best thing to do is to promote a status for a niche you are looking to target. So for me, since I'm IM. I always do a status like "Are you tired of your family and friends saying "No" to your opportunity. FREE Video reveals how you can discover the goldmine hidden in your Facebook timeline!" I'll insert my link in there a few times and insert a cool pic...and you will get likes! and possibly leads if you use a lead capture page before the free webinar/video you give out
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  • Profile picture of the author Andy Fang
    Fiverr has many cheap services for social media promotions.
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  • Profile picture of the author FirstSocialApps
    Contests, Sweepstakes, Deals .. anything with a 'like gate' , the trick is to run a small ad ($10 a day or so) that points to the tab that has the deal or contest on it. Make sure the tab is like gated. You can normally get around 70-90 real fans per day for your $10 and then when they enter your contest or deal or whatever you also get there email address. $10 for 70-90 real likes and around 40-50 email address's .. not to shabby:

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    • Profile picture of the author mootonandy
      Originally Posted by FirstSocialApps View Post

      Contests, Sweepstakes, Deals .. anything with a 'like gate' , the trick is to run a small ad ($10 a day or so) that points to the tab that has the deal or contest on it. Make sure the tab is like gated. You can normally get around 70-90 real fans per day for your $10 and then when they enter your contest or deal or whatever you also get there email address. $10 for 70-90 real likes and around 40-50 email address's .. not to shabby:

      I wonder how I could apply that to a bodybuilding supplements related fan page.
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  • Profile picture of the author Abhik
    If you are willing to spend, Facebook Advertising is best.
    Got a wooping 15K likes with an average of $0.03 CPC.
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  • Profile picture of the author sal64
    Buying likes from Fiverr will give the impression that your page is great, but it won't send it viral to be honest.

    You need a great hook and a great reason for people to share it around.

    Internet Marketing: 20% Internet - 80% Marketing!
    You Won't See The Light Until You Open Your Eyes.
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    How do you get REAL Facebook fans?

    Well, you give them something REAL to like.

    It's very rare that any type of paid promotion will bring you real fans. A real fan is someone who likes your page on their own accord without being paid to do so.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andy Fang
    AddMeFast is the largest like exchange. Hire a fiverr seller to get you points. 2000 likes will only cost a mere $5 and is good for real likes, although not many are active.
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    • Profile picture of the author techie86
      Create the top quality and innovative business profile on the facebook. Share some wall paper, post video. Relevant posting and sharing will be more beneficial. So try to do the only unique work.
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  • Profile picture of the author SeoKungFu
    buy page likes ad on fb duh
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  • Profile picture of the author sal64
    Sorry to poop on everyone's party...

    But the question is what do you want to achieve here?

    Is it sales, authority, or both?

    I'd rather have 10 ravings fans than 1000 BS friends who don't even visit your page.

    Bottom line: if you want something to go viral then it has to be 10000% unique and atrractive to people.

    Just take a look in the real world at what goes viral on FB and YouTube.

    Internet Marketing: 20% Internet - 80% Marketing!
    You Won't See The Light Until You Open Your Eyes.
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  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    There is a forum dedicated to Media Marketing here: Social Media Marketing Forum
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author carlo_sim
    Hey There,

    Here's how I managed to get 10k+ fb fans in less than 4 months:

    1. post pictures related to your niche
    2. Comment at other related fan pages using your fanpage account
    3. Like the comments of fans from other fanpages related to your niche
    4. Use fb ads to add in real fans
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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    Facebook marketing is a in debth process. There are lots of ways and really they all work together. My best advice would be to find a training program that focuses just on facebook and how to use it. You will be creating pages and through your pages you can send your visitors to other places. There is a correct way and a wrong way to do this. You need to learn how to install Iframes and from those Iframes you can give people an action to take. If you need help in finding a decent training on facebook, send me a IM and I'll help point you in the right direction.

    Getting lots of fans doesn't happen overnight. Using social media it can take a while because you need to build trust first. Also you need to provide real strong value and present it in a manor others can relate too. By doing that you increase your chances for a post to go viral.
    Working to achieve higher results...
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  • Profile picture of the author Heart Cardio
    Invite others to like your page. Ask your friends to talk about your site as well if something like comes up in conversation.
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  • Profile picture of the author KingRoyal

    Read my article here. Do what it says while promoting your post, it works!
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  • Easiest types of FB pages to start are those that involve posting lots of funny / informative / cute / (insert more here) posts that people can relate to or want to show others so that it automatically snowballs, but that's if you want to run a site like 9gag, and best monetization for that is CPA / Adsense etc...

    You also have to be prepared to keep track of lots of other FB pages and 9gag type sites to find funny pictures and be on facebook adding them every 10-20 mins (at the beginning).

    I've never been good with any other type of page, even struggling with my review site. Plenty of retweets or pins, and even quite a few likes but I can't get the f*ckers to interact with me or each other

    Working on that!!
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  • Profile picture of the author YasirYar
    When it comes to SEO, one of the best tools is link-building. You can write quality articles, do social bookmarking, submission to site directories, utilize the power of networking, optimizing your social media presence and don’t forget the power of guest blogging, blogging, blog commenting, social bookmarking and video creation.

    >>>Get your websites ACTUALLY ranked by checking these out: Quantum SEO Labs, Home Page Link Building & SERP Ability. Want to get rid of negative listings? Check out Reputation Enhancer.

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  • Profile picture of the author eternubis
    you can write niche articles in your Fanpage and post youtube for great interested and share some wall paper. Relevant posting and sharing will be more beneficial. So try to do the only unique work, I believe you can make them 'like' you and they may be willing to be subscribed.
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  • Profile picture of the author kylenelson24
    First thing i would do i purchase some likes to bulk up the page and give it social credibility. This way it will give your page a legitmate and credibile look. After that contact fanpages that are similar than yours and ask them (or pay them) to post a status update. Other ways of gaining traction to your page is writing blog post or articles for other websites and in your author bio have your fan page in it. This will attract new fans and potential cutsomers. Most likely its is going to take some investment on your part but it can have a great ROI in the future!

    All Services Provided by
    Kyle Nelson

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  • Profile picture of the author Andy Fang
    Use my facebook ad method, instead of pitching sales pitches, use for the description "Like to donate $1 to charity." $0.00001 clicks easy.
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  • Profile picture of the author mediaclick
    Whats your page talks about?
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