How Do I place a video response

3 replies
Hi guys,
I want to place a video response on youtube. How do I go about it?

#place #response #video
  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    Make sure you're logged into your Youtube account and the video you want to use as a response is already uploaded to your account.

    Go to a video you want to post a video response to.

    Scroll down until you see the add comment box.

    Click in the comment box and an option to add a video response will appear.

    Click "Create Video Response" and a list of all the videos in your channel will appear.

    Select one.

    Channel owners can now select to approve video responses before they are posted. They used to be automatically approved.

    Because more and more channel owners have selected to approve video responses, it's harder and harder to get a video response posted. I generally go down a list of videos looking for those that will approve my response instantly. But this is getting harder and harder to do, to the point that IMO video responses have greatly declined as a Youtube marketing strategy. You may be better off spending that time and effort on other things.
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  • Profile picture of the author YasirYar
    1. Log in to YouTube. Click in the drop-down menu next to the "Sign Out" link at the top of the screen. This displays a list of navigational options.

    2. Click the "Inbox" option to load your messages. Click the "Comments" link on the left pane. This displays all comments you have received on the right pane.

    3. Click the link to the comment found in the "Subject" column. This expands the comment, and displays a link to the YouTube video where the comment is located.

    4. Click the YouTube video link. This takes you directly to the video containing the posted comment. Click the "Reply" button next to the comment.

    6. Type your message, and click the "Post" button. You have now replied to the comment.

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  • Profile picture of the author manishchauhan
    To make a video response, click the All Comments box located underneath the video's information (the same place you would click to write a comment). A hyperlink on the right of the box called Create a video response will appear — click this link. You will be given two options for choosing your video response:

    Choose a Video

    The Choose a Video option lets you respond with any video you've already posted. Each video in your account can only be used as a video response one time. You'll notice that your videos that have already been used as video responses have an asterisk (*) beside them.

    Upload a Video Response

    This option works like the normal upload process. Simply go to the upload page and upload the video as usual. Once this is complete, return to select your newly uploaded video as the video response.
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