How I managed to get more than 2,000 FB fans in one day FOR FREE!
Today I'd like to share how I managed to get more than 2,000 new fans to my FB page in one single day. I hope it will give you some ideas to develop yours

As you may know, people are sensible to incredible or "touching stories". These kind of posts are easily liked, shared, which gives you a lot of exposure.
So what I did was pretty simple: I browsed the web, looking for something really original and "touching" to share. I used Google image in order to find great images. It is really important to have nice pics because this is what will attract people.
Quickly, I managed to find a pretty nice story about the friendship of a man and a crocodile. I gathered couple of nice pics and put them together using Photoshop.
Then, I tried to find a nice article about this story in order to share it with the images.
Job done. I posted the story on my page and other big pages. Booom! The image went viral and got shared by more than 11,500 people. It resulted in attracting more than 2K new fans to my page IN ONE DAY.
Here is the image/story I am talking about (you might have already seen it): Amazing Story
This kind of success can be easily duplicated. It only requires spending some time to find something original and gathering great photos. My page now has around 65K fans and keep growing.
I hope you enjoyed my share and found it useful and motivating

Keep up the great work guys!
1) Create your page and add a nice/professional timeline banner and avatar (this is really important to "stand out").
2) Then, start adding a lot of high quality contents to your page. Why? Simply because this is how you create value. As you may know, people will "like" your Facebook page only if they find value in it. Having great contents is definitely the way to do it.
3) Diversify your posts. For example, I will share a beautiful photo of Italy. Then, my next share will be (for example) a funny picture where I ask my fans to find a great caption for it. This is a great way to keep your community active. I can then share some great news related to nature ("Algae lamps may soon light up in streets!"...).
Now it is time to get more exposure by posting your best photos on other big/small pages.
4) Use the Facebook Search bar to find similar pages (in the same niche). Giving that your page is brand new, don't focus only on "big pages". Smaller ones with couple of thousands fans will be easier to convince. Make sure that these pages are active and that their fans correspond to your targeted audience. Check the likes and the comments. If you see that most of them are from Asian people, you may want to choose another page. Then, make a list of all the pages you've found and keep it preciously.
5) Now, start posting your best photos on these pages. Don't spam them. Post only high quality things. The idea here is not only to use these pages to develop yours, it is also to bring value to them.
6) Don't hesitate to send a message to the admins of these pages. Not to ask them to share your page, but to tell them that you love their page(s) and appreciate all the shares. In this way, you will motivate them and admins will start to notice you.
7) When you share a post on other pages, don't forget to "tag" your page in it. To do it, simply use "@" and start typing the name of your page. In my case, I need to write @Amazing World. When you start typing the name of your page, a drop down menu will be displayed, allowing you to choose your FB page (or another one). Then you can do something like:
Join our Page -► @YOUR PAGE HERE ◄- For more amazing photos!
8) After couple of weeks, you can finally start contacting FB page admins and ask them to share your page. I usually send the following message:
"Hey there,
Once again I'd like to congratulate you for your wonderful page. I really enjoy all of your posts and can't stop myself from coming back to your page. As you may have seen, I am pretty active on your page and always try to post high quality photos that will bring value to it.
Couple of weeks ago, I have created my own Facebook page: YOUR PAGE HERE and have been trying to develop it since. I would be really thankful if you could share one of my photos to your fans and invite them to visit my page. This would really encourage me to be even more active!
I hope you will have the time to read my message. Anyway, are doing an amazing work! Keep it up!
Kindest Regards,
Amazing World"
It has been working pretty well for me so far. If you follow all these steps, you will definitely be able to develop your fan base.
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