how to monetize twitter page?

11 replies
I have a twitter page with over 200k followers, I'm just wondering..
what's the best way to earn? I want to either a) sell it b) post ads or c) just use it for a business ..

It took about 9 years to get it this high and I get a ton of rts and favorites.
Anyone have success with using twitter to make revenue?
#monetize #page #twitter
  • Profile picture of the author misconstrued
    Is it your personal page? If not, what's the niche? What do you tweet about? How engaged are your followers? How many tweets have you sent out?
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    • Profile picture of the author riselift
      Originally Posted by misconstrued View Post

      Is it your personal page? If not, what's the niche? What do you tweet about? How engaged are your followers? How many tweets have you sent out?
      yes, it's my personal profile and it has a few thousand tweets, my followers rt most of my postings
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  • Profile picture of the author James Gould
    Take a look at the ChaCha Affiliate Program, a lot of parody accounts etc will use it. You can customise sponsored tweets that get sent out, and you make a few cents every click (around $0.03 per click, 1000 clicks is $30 for a single tweet!).

    You could also sell tweets here: Sell Tweets to Twitter Marketers, Sell Tweets to Twitter Advertisers, Real-Time Advertising - Pay4Tweet

    people often want twitter accounts and their personal sites advertised throughout their niches and related accounts, so people will pay $20 or so for a tweet, and its all automated!

    Hope this helps,

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7760942].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author riselift
      THANKS, I was using some of those, but never heard of the first one, I'll take a look

      Originally Posted by Jamie Gould View Post

      Take a look at the ChaCha Affiliate Program, a lot of parody accounts etc will use it. You can customise sponsored tweets that get sent out, and you make a few cents every click (around $0.03 per click, 1000 clicks is $30 for a single tweet!).

      You could also sell tweets here: Sell Tweets to Twitter Marketers, Sell Tweets to Twitter Advertisers, Real-Time Advertising - Pay4Tweet

      people often want twitter accounts and their personal sites advertised throughout their niches and related accounts, so people will pay $20 or so for a tweet, and its all automated!

      Hope this helps,

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  • Profile picture of the author franktwin
    Stay away from the spam tweets, you will get banned... Try contacting companies and see if they would pay you to mention their merchandise etc... Hey it works for


    Skin Care Formulation Expert | Vitamin C Serum MyTrendyBlends.Com

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  • Profile picture of the author YasirYar
    1. Access the Internet and register your Twitter account. Pick a catchy name and keep it short.
    2. Develop your Twitter background with a cookie cutter program like FreeTwitterDesigner.Com to look more professional to your followers before you start researching where to get the best content to tweet about.
    3. Download a Twitter bot or "adder" to automate the ad campaigns you'll sign up for to monetize your account.
    4. Get a PayPal account and register yourself for affiliate programs that offer specialized links with a signature that traces back to you when someone orders a product or service through your link. 5. Implement your automated botvertising campaign by getting familiar with your software and putting it in gear.

    >>>Get your websites ACTUALLY ranked by checking these out: Quantum SEO Labs, Home Page Link Building & SERP Ability. Want to get rid of negative listings? Check out Reputation Enhancer.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7766131].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author themen710
    People love to see that who they're interacting with on Twitter - are real. Add unique photos to your Twitter feed that promote your business. The key is to keep these photos unique to your Twitter page, so don't syndicate them anywhere else.
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  • Profile picture of the author zmorris
    Originally Posted by riselift View Post

    It took about 9 years to get it this high
    That's crazy! You've been building your twitter account since 3 years before it was founded. Dedication right there.
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  • Profile picture of the author pinkgorilla
    What niche is it in? The niche that it's in will have a part to play in how much it can make. You could try something like MyLikes or monetize it with affiliate links related to the niche and content of the page. Try that first and if it doesn't work consider selling it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe Crosbie
    Let's just hope you didn't buy fake followers like the ones you are promoting in your signature.

    If so, I'm sure I could count the value of your account on my hands... Just saying..

    If the majority of them are legit, you could have a good marketing tool in your toolkit and you need to identity what your followers are interested in.
    I chose entrepreneurship over further education despite being laughed at by my friends and family..

    I recently hit the "RESTART" button on my life, read my personal blog to find out how I did it :)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8459567].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Joe Crosbie
    Let's just hope you didn't buy fake followers like the ones you are promoting in your signature.

    If so, I'm sure I could count the value of your account on my hands... Just saying..

    If the majority of them are legit, you could have a good marketing tool in your toolkit and you need to identity what your followers are interested in.
    I chose entrepreneurship over further education despite being laughed at by my friends and family..

    I recently hit the "RESTART" button on my life, read my personal blog to find out how I did it :)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8459569].message }}

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