Can't Post on FB without Scheduling?

8 replies
I started a new page last week, but I am unable to post to the page without actually scheduling the post---I think this is decreasing the amount of people who are seeing the page. Anyone else notice this? A few people on the FB forum also mentioned this problem. It is only one one of my business pages I started last week. Help!
#post #scheduling
  • Profile picture of the author Aaron Doud
    Posting via a 3rd party service (such as a scheduler) does negatively effect how many of your fans see it.

    While it is better to post with a scheduler than not post you should still always try to live post whenever possible.

    And is it that hard? There is a pages app for iphone so I can post from my phone when not home.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hampton44
    No--that is not my question...I literally cannot post on my page without it seeming to FB I am using their scheduler---and it will ask me for the year of the post. I can't post live at all.

    I have been using the schedule method and my engagment is way down--any idea what is going on? Other people are having the same issue on facebook but of course I cannt talk to someone at FB about this.

    And I think scheduled posting decreases engagment--unless recent changes were made.

    "Because in the end, you won't remember the time spent working in the office, or mowing the lawn. Climb that damn mountain."

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  • Profile picture of the author webcosmo
    You should see why you can`t post live, of course fans will lose interest.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hampton44
    Yes. Realize that! That is my question

    "Because in the end, you won't remember the time spent working in the office, or mowing the lawn. Climb that damn mountain."

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  • Profile picture of the author Aaron Doud
    I just tested it and I can't get the scheduler to work at all on my pages. Hopefully they fix the issue soon.
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  • Profile picture of the author ItsmeChris
    I've also use scheduling like But it cannot post by itself without scheduling method.
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  • Profile picture of the author merkado
    There are so many bugs on FB recently.
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  • Profile picture of the author TrumpiaTim
    Maybe a bug with their new layout? Went on my facebook for the first time in awhile and was thrown off by the new setup

    Trumpia: The Most Completed SMS Text Messaging Software & API Solution.
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