Facebook Page Content Blocking until "Like"

by WAL08
15 replies
Is this still possible?

Are there any good tutorials for this?
#blocking #content #facebook #page
  • Profile picture of the author Nail Yener
    Originally Posted by WAL08 View Post

    Is this still possible?

    Are there any good tutorials for this?
    It may be just me but I never like a page to see its blocked content, whatever that blocked content is. How can you expect someone to "like" your page before they even see it?
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    • Profile picture of the author alina855
      Originally Posted by Nail Yener View Post

      It may be just me but I never like a page to see its blocked content, whatever that blocked content is. How can you expect someone to "like" your page before they even see it?

      +1............ Same from me.
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    • Profile picture of the author datingworld
      Originally Posted by Nail Yener View Post

      It may be just me but I never like a page to see its blocked content, whatever that blocked content is. How can you expect someone to "like" your page before they even see it?
      It's not only you.
      I personally don't like such pages either with content lock. I simply leave that page which needs hitting the "like" button before viewing page. I believe not many people like such content locking. :confused:
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  • Profile picture of the author Aaron Doud
    You can block certain content but not the main newsfeed.

    I would only use it sparingly like for a contest or a free offer. But for an offer why not leave it open and doing an email signup tab?
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  • Profile picture of the author WAL08
    The offer would be for a coupon Code to our online shop.

    Maybe the signup to our list to receive a coupon code would be a good way to do it also.

    That way we can promote new inventory, sales, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author Aaron Doud
    Think a sign up would have good value. I send coupons that are exclusive to Facebook at times but I don't hide them. In fact I want them shared to drive business.
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    • Profile picture of the author s3v3n
      Script :

      Like to watch
      Like Locker

      Do you mean that?
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      • Profile picture of the author MySocialPromo
        What you are looking for is a 'Fan-gate' app that you use to hold your 'Offer' before they Like your page.

        You can check out our service (MySocialPromo.com) since we allow you to specify an online URL that redirects after you 'Like' or 'Share'. In the URL you could add your special code to your site. There is an example of this for our "Blooms" promotion in our "HowThisWorks" video. Check out our SIG for more info.

        Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author TopOfTheMornin
    For a free fan gate app, login to Facebook, and type into their search: 'static HTML: iframe tabs', and click on the app with over 10,000,000 monthly active users.
    How to Drive Traffic To Your Website
    Free + Paid Reports & Training Courses

    Cheers, Jonathan Sherman
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  • Profile picture of the author HarrieB
    Using static html iframe tab, yes you have the option to add a content and people can see the content after liking the page.

    Honestly speaking, unless your page is doing well and has tons of followers, it wont be a very good idea to use this content blocking feature.

    Just make sure that your page is providing value to people else people can again unlike the page lol.
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  • Profile picture of the author madeye32
    It is possible man . Look on google for FACEBOOK LIKE TO UNLOCK SCRIPT
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