Facebook Ads - "Target people who are not connected to"

2 replies
When targeting an audience in a Facebook ad, what does "Target people who are not connected to" a particular FB page mean? Does that mean don't target people who have liked your FB page, or don't target people how have liked any post from your page?

Similarly, how about "Target people who are connected to" a particular domain name? Does that mean target people who have liked any page on a particular domain name, or target people who have liked the exact domain name?
#ads #facebook
  • Profile picture of the author ReferralCandy
    Hi Warriorforumrocks,

    Here's what Facebook defines a connection as: "...the people who liked your Page or Place, RSVPed to your event, installed your app or checked in to your advertised place within 24 hours of viewing or clicking on an ad or Sponsored Story."

    The idea being, I suppose, that a connection translates into an actual act that commits the consumer into a longer-term relationship with your business.

    Liking your Page to get further updates, installing your app to make doing business easier or simply just physically visiting your store, for example, all represent commitments of sorts which open up various possibilities for future engagement. You can reasonably expect them to at least consider returning to your product or service some time in the future.

    Simply liking a post that might have gone viral, on the other hand, requires much less inertia to be overcome—how many times have you clicked 'like' on a funny meme or video that popped up on your newsfeed without even noticing the original page? Without the crucial element of recognition, there's no possibility of relationship. Therefore what you want to do with audience targeting is to reach out to someone who hasn't yet become passably familiar with your brand; hence the "target people who are not connected to" option.

    I hope this helps you a bit. Cheers!

    Measure, manage and incentivize customer referrals with ReferralCandy.

    PS: Looking to get more repeat customers for a physical store? Check out CandyBar's digital loyalty cards!

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  • Profile picture of the author warriorforumrocks
    Thanks, great info.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8080052].message }}

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