How To Do Free Facebook Marketing Properly?

by amuro
6 replies
Here are 10 steps on how to do free Facebook marketing properly:

1. Find a facebook group related to the niche you are promoting. Can be internet marketing or other niches like World Of Warcraft, health and fitness, cooking etc.

2. Register for the group.

3. Upon being accepted into the group, introduce yourself and thank the person who accepted you into the group since he or she could be the owner or administrator.

4. Share valuable information and tips. You can also ask for their information and tips as well.

5. For every person who likes and comments on your post, add him or her as your friend. Do the same to their posts as well if you like them or found them to be valuable insights.

6. Continue doing this until you have gathered 1000 friends. You can do this at other facebook groups related to your niche as well.

7. In the meantime, create a Facebook fanpage and group but do not invite them yet until you have gained their complete trust and rapport. Or when they started seeing you as an authority or go to person they can rely on for help.

8. Once that happens, invite them to join your Facebook group and like your fanpage with a soft friendly message.

9. Continue sharing valuable information and get them to share theirs with your own. Continue to click like if you find their information to be valuable and useful.

10. Then finally you gave me an affiliate link to whatever product you felt is worth recommending to them.

This is how you do free Facebook marketing properly. Building relationship and trust.

But in order to prevent people spamming your group, you have to set rules on no spamming as well. Otherwise your plan will be ruined by those spammers.
#facebook #free #marketing #properly
  • Profile picture of the author Andrea Rillo
    How can you search groups inside facebook?The search engine doesn't show me up a filter for it .
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8131415].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author SalesArchitect
      Originally Posted by Terminator3018 View Post

      How can you search groups inside facebook?The search engine doesn't show me up a filter for it .
      Do you want to search for just group names? By category? Can you be more specific?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8132978].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author dshipman
      Originally Posted by Terminator3018 View Post

      How can you search groups inside facebook?The search engine doesn't show me up a filter for it .
      If you're using facebook as your profile and not as a page, enter your search term in the facebook search bar and at the bottom, select "see more results for...". Then on the left side bar, you should see a list of "groups"
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8133307].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author FirstSocialApps

    This is an awesome post and it underlines a key thing in marketing that lots of people forget. Marketing is not just about spamming ads all over. Its about building trust with people. You need to give, and give and give some more. Then every once in a while shoot them a product link.
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  • Profile picture of the author waver407
    Nice post.. I tried this with internet marketing and succeeded in the beginning, however I starting sending too many links and people started getting annoyed lol
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  • Profile picture of the author Kurt@viewswin
    Sounds like a huge pain in the.... If you add up all the time you spend doing this, isn't it cheaper just to pay for Adds? Do you get a better return from this method? I guess it depends on the product and group etc
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8132694].message }}

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