Good Facebook Advice
Blog every day
Install a Facebook Comments App to your blog. It is now quite simple to do this. All you need to do is install an app entitled, "Facebook Comments" and configure it - actually very easy (and it tells you how to do it). If you go to the Add New Plugins section on your WordPress back office, there are two plugins. You're looking for the one with the 4/5 rating - it is good though.
To finish your comments section so that it's perfect, you need to go to your list of posts or pages on the All Posts or All Pages page, click Quick Edit. Then at the right side of each post, you will get something that says "Allow Comments" untick this. You don't need those comments too. They will only confuse your readers.
When you complete your post you need to make it more obvious with big and/or coloured letters that you would appreciate it if people could leave comments
The 50/50 Rule
Spend 50% of your time on your page and 50% on other people's pages
The man who did this training with us, emphasised the importance of spending time on our own pages to make them good for people who visit and also interacting with people on other pages. I did this with the Carlsberg page and it said that the comment was from my Facebook Fan Page - thus advertising my page on something as big as a Carlsberg page - Wow!!!
Always Ask Questions
Share pictures from One Social Media. You can find great pictures from pages such as "Funny Jokes and Pics" or "One Social Media". Find the great pictures that these pages have and ask questions that get people talking about the picture you have shared.
Edgerank - how your pages rank for popularity. Are people liking, commenting or sharing your status or pictures.
Post Every Day - Facebook Status's that is
Encourage People to Respond - Ask questions
The Pyramid of Power
Likes Are Good
Comments Are Very Good
Shares Are Excellent
I hope this has helped you.
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