New Social Media Platform Launching this Summer?!?

13 replies

First off...hello. This is my very first post here as I am getting back in the saddle of marketing and have come across this forum on several occasions doing online research. So it's awesome to actually be a member now. I'm looking forward to learning from all of you.

I just recently came across a splash page on a traffic site and it caught my attention (which is RARE) but it's a new social media platform that is launching this summer-"sometime" Im not 100% sure about it as it gives very little info but the info it does give is buzz-worthy. Right now it's still in it's prelaunch phase...they call it the NDA phase or "non-disclosure act" phase. then they plan on releasing the free communications app which everybody is saying is crazy cool. They are having a huge event in Dallas actually soon to buzz it up. ANyways, over 1 million people already on board and I haven't seen it mentioned here. To see it you have to be invited so I have included my link below... It is only good for another 1 Day 16 Hours and 23 minutes as once you get one person invited in you can "blitz", get your affiliate link and have it live for 7 days only.

They are saying it is growing faster then Facebook...hmmm not sure there but thought to mention it here. I look forward to reading everyones input on this.

Is it a good idea?

Is it a Bust?

Is it just another "Buzzirk Mobile" lol... What's your thoughts? I'm running with it but not putting all my effort into it. If it pans out and has a great App I think it could be really cool. If they launch to early and the app is busted... it's busted too. My thoughts.

[Link deleted]

(if your too late reading this and the link is dead... you can hit me up and I can send you an invite code if your just that curious.)
#launching #media #platform #social #summer
  • Profile picture of the author hck1
    What special features this social marketing website has?
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    • Profile picture of the author Skytender
      Originally Posted by hck1 View Post

      What special features this social marketing website has?
      lol... really unsure at this point...looks like they are just "building a audience" at this point. Well see.

      Yes...this is my "blitz link"... its only live for a few more hours though then I have to give out invite codes for anyone wanting to join.

      I agree with everyone so far. I like the idea and there are some bigger names on board. I guess it really all comes down to if the communications app being released is really "the biggest thing since email".

      I think after they have the app out (and it is successful) they will monetize the site. If you go to their blog you can read some of the updates and videos inside the members area explain a little bit about the plan. I cant post them here due to the "non-discloser act" They really are trying to minimize the backlash of having it "too big" before they are ready. We will see folks. I will try to post updates as info becomes available. Thanks for the input so far!
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  • Profile picture of the author MaGo
    Hey Bradley Hannah!
    Is this your referral link?
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  • Profile picture of the author Denise Hall
    I've heard about this site and some "big names" are on board for the launch, so I think it may be a good site. But I guess we'll see after a little time goes by if it fizzles or stands the test of time.
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  • Profile picture of the author datingworld
    Lets see when it starts and see what changes it will bring for good. but it seems very hard for new platform with so many already struggling to compete each other.
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  • Profile picture of the author Skytender
    Allright Folks, Exactly 24 hours left to check this out before you will need a personal invite code from someone already inside...

    [Link deleted]

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  • Profile picture of the author Skytender
    Allright, A quick update. has extended my blitz link by 48 hours so anybody wanting to get onboard without needed a personal invitation code can over the next two days join my ripple at the link below:

    [Link deleted]

    Further updates on Rippln can be found WITHOUT joining my Ripple if you would like to do independent study on "Rippln's Blog". A conference in Dallas is happening soon and the roll out has started to some of the core members close to the top receiving the ability to partner with the site.

    [Link deleted]

    Pretty exciting stuff. I'm starting to see why in just a month the Rippln Facebook page has received over 17,000 likes.... nutz. Lots of big names are onboard and giving this great reviews.

    All the success of this company still depends on the mobile "communication app" being released soon for free. With over 1 million people already waiting for the app they are expecting close to 10 million downloads in the first month so I hope they got their big boy pants on as the server load is going to be insane.

    Hope this information helps and best of luck to my team on building their ripple's.

    As more info rolls out I will keep you all posted.

    Thanks Warriors!
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  • Profile picture of the author ADukes81
    Are you kidding me? This crap isn't allowed in here.
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    • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
      Originally Posted by ADukes81 View Post

      Are you kidding me? This crap isn't allowed in here.

      I've taken to just banning anyone who posts any sort of recruiting effort for RippLn. It's usually just a week, but this one was calculated and bumped. He gets the coveted extended vacation certificate.

      The MLM crowd is just waaaay out of control lately.
      Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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  • Profile picture of the author ozlizard
    This is a huge scam, guys, stay away!

    Mobile Sites/Web Sites/Mobile Marketing

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  • Profile picture of the author arkina
    I would wait and see. It's not worth anything until everyone is on board with it. Right now Facebook and Twitter is where everyone is on a daily basis. Something new that might work is just a waste of time.
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  • Profile picture of the author webgenco
    Today I get notice all I have to do is click on the Commerce button to fully take advantage of Rippln. It costs $70 for the year. So this is not the next Twitter, Facebook etc. This is a paid-for promo vehicle. I'm not saying it is bad, just that it is the typical hype filled prelaunch and then start charging people. I was curious and bombarded with "invites" so I stuck around to see the business model. Now unsubscribed. Nothing new here folks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Scotty Bee
    Weird how Rippln is always in a NDA and prelaunch mode LOL I got hit up months ago
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