Social Networks Marketing

8 replies
What do you guys think about the importance of social networks pages and business marketing ? Is it a good tool for businesses to market their products/services ? Also, if you think it's important, give me your top 3 of the best social networks to make marketing ?

Questions, comment, opinion ? Feel free !
#marketing #networks #social
  • Peter,
    I think its very important for businesses however I don’t think all businesses should use it. Social media is a great tool for building brand awareness and for selling certain kinds of products however it doesn’t fit for all companies.

    As for the top three networks for marketing, I would say the obvious ones, Facebook, twitter and Linkedin but I don’t like to think of it in those terms. Just because one business has success on a network doesn’t mean another will be. What businesses should be doing is listening on a network to find out if their target market is present. If they are, then the business should pursue activity on that network. The worst possible thing a business can do is start being active on a network just because a bunch of other businesses are.

    Hope that helps,

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    • Profile picture of the author stcraig
      I personally think that unless it is extremely specific, it is a waste of time
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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    Social media has been the next big thing for several years. It has become the latest status symbol for brands. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest are big examples.
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  • Profile picture of the author yestyle
    Social media is very important for increasing traffic and expand your company brand but no more potential for sales
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  • Profile picture of the author xpesos
    Social media is really important, as most of the times your potential leads are entertaining themselves on different social sites, and then suddenly they check out that one of your friend just interacted with your company, so they are keen to find out what your company is really about, if you put right strategy for each social website then you can pull a lot of potential leads, because each social website has it's own atmosphere

    If someone is not using these social website i would say they are loosing a lot on table, and if they won't act don't think that your competitors will do same
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  • Profile picture of the author OGNetwork
    It's massively important to fully monetize your website or company's social media accounts. You can create good relationships with your followers.

    It's also important that if you do decide to create a social media account for your company, make sure your active on it, nobody likes to see an in-active social media account.
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  • Profile picture of the author marketmongoose
    Social Networks Marketing is useful specially in business. Maybe some other business doesn't use this but more of this does. Most of the people are active in Social Media like Facebook or Twitter, that's why it's better to post advertisement on this.
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  • Social Networking sites really has a big factor in business. Most of the people were using this as means of what they actually impose but having these marketing tool can increase your visibility in business.
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