What kind of social media affects SEO

45 replies
Hey there, i have a website Best Card Tricks : Magic Down Under
and it has a good amoint of content, good standing with google although has a small web 2.0 presence. I;m wondering what kind of social media is needed purely to increase rankings. Is it likes on my facebook page that is linked to my website or is it likes of my website like here
Also, the same with twitter. Do i want followers on my twitter that is linked to my site or do i want retweets and tweets containing my URL?
and is it true that Bing invests a lot of ranking factors into social media?

I'd love to hear all of your opinions and keep in mind. This is not for traffic generation. Purely for Search engine ranking.
#affects #kind #media #sem #seo #smm #social #social media #web 2.0
  • Profile picture of the author Hrkjds
    Social media is a matter of getting traffic, building reputation to your site. If you are active on social media and getting lots of traffic to your site, then its good for your site. Don't see Social Media as a SEO factors. Make reputation through it..
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    • Profile picture of the author XciteDigital
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      • Profile picture of the author samscott10
        Thanks but i created a website in a terrible niche and cannot sell anything on it haha. So my plan is to get its ranking up a bit more and attempt to sell it. and try as i might, my facebook page follows just will not get interested. I've tried asking questions, givng stuff away, holding competitions. I get 1 - refferals max from facebook per post.
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    • Profile picture of the author kkjoshi
      Originally Posted by Hrkjds View Post

      Social media is a matter of getting traffic, building reputation to your site. If you are active on social media and getting lots of traffic to your site, then its good for your site. Don't see Social Media as a SEO factors. Make reputation through it..
      Quite precise and impressive answer. But still we do not diversify social media and seo because its a part of seo now. Most of the experts are now in favor of doing social media marketing instead of doing old fashioned seo marketing strategies. Some claim that SMM boost the rankings as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author windrider07
    Social media DOES impact SEO but in a certain way. Use social media as a platform for acquiring traffic and establish a brand. Put a lot of SEO optimized links and keywords into your social media page and it will rank high in the search engine results. People will find your page and then get directed to your website (if they decide they are interested in your website based on the content you post up). Use social media as a platform for acquiring traffic but also use SEO to make people FIND your social media page.
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    • Profile picture of the author samscott10
      exactly what i was after, thanks. and im happy to read everyone else's too! haha
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  • Profile picture of the author jones115
    In short terms old forums with good traffic and high PR afflict SEO most. But if you think in terms of Panda and Penguin I would strongly advise you use social networking sites like FB, G+, Twitter and (if you need european and russian traffic) VK. You can generate good traffik stream and if yor site is good people start requesting it in Google. And your results in SERP become better. It is a long but sure way, pal.
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    • Profile picture of the author samscott10
      Oh and my niche is magic and i made competitons for like free deck giveaways and stuff :L
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  • Profile picture of the author wcttech
    Search engine optimization has not been dependent on a minimal number of factors for a long time now, such as number of times a keyword appeared on a page, and it continues to become a more complex web of on and off-page factors every month. One of the more recent factors that has had an impact on search ranking is social media.
    The following infographic breaks down ways that social media influences the visibility of your website in search results, including:
    • Social media can help search engines find and index your content faster
    • Likes, shares, retweets, etc. indicates to search engine that content is new and interesting, often leading to a temporary increase in rankings
    • Your content will increase in search results for people connected to you
    • Increases domain authority and the number of inbound links to your website
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  • Profile picture of the author andersonpeter
    Benefit of Social media to getting good backlinks, lots of trafifc to your site, more then increase page rank to your website, social media is the most important strategy in {Search Engine Optimization} I Use some social sites see, Facebook, Tweet, Linkedin, tumblr, You tube, Its good social media sites, I Usually use social media sites, becuase its very help for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author natebunger
    Social networking is a completely different strategy of internet marketing. SEO is another. With social media platforms, you can get more visibility and popularity here and get more traffic to your site and generate more leads and sales.

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    • Profile picture of the author Repucaution1
      Originally Posted by natebunger View Post

      Social networking is a completely different strategy of internet marketing. SEO is another. With social media platforms, you can get more visibility and popularity here and get more traffic to your site and generate more leads and sales.
      I like this advice and i absolutely agree with it!
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  • Profile picture of the author JobElance
    Google has recently updated that social signals don't impact on search engine ranking..but still it is an important part of seo..If a website get lots of shares and tweets then definitely it indicates the site's popularity and a popular site will definitely get linking on other sites..
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    • Profile picture of the author opensource@1
      In the event that an inbound link from a relevant website is viewed as more effective than a link from a non-relevant website, then its feasible that the same holds valid for online networking links. So in case you're looking to construct social networking links to your article about SEO, then links from profiles with partnered areas identified with SEO and the individuals who consistently post about SEO and related practices, would likely be viewed as more significant than links from profiles who hold no importance to SEO.
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  • Profile picture of the author selvak
    Social media is only for getting traffic and marketing a product.
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  • Profile picture of the author lionelfrench
    Hi Buddy,

    I am aware Social media doesn’t make a positive impact on your SEO ranking however its vital you use social media for more traffic generation anyways so the more social media you are connected with like Facebook, Twitter,Google+ and Pin interest the better. You can’t go wrong with being more exposed within your niche.

    Go ahead get yourself out there.

    I hope this helps?
    Good Luck Buddy
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  • Profile picture of the author austria
    by far, the biggest impact on SEO rankings and the visibility of your business, it has a large number of facebook likes / fans
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  • Profile picture of the author opensource@1
    You can increase the traffic on your website through Social media, you can also make backlinks from social media sites. It will be better to do social media to improve Seo ranking of our website. But you must need to away from the social media sites which may increase Bounce rate in the manner to affect Seo ranking of your website
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  • Profile picture of the author Jones1
    I think it affects it many ways,few of them are follows.

    Social Shares Are the New Form of Link Building
    Author Authority - Google Author Rank
    Speed Up How Quickly Content Gets Indexed
    Better Ranking for Social Connections and Followers
    Boost Relevant Keywords from Shared Content & Your Profile
    Leverages Local Search
    Increased Ranking of Your Domain
    Personalization Based on Your Network
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  • Profile picture of the author larahepze
    facebook and twitter ,google+ affects seo
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  • Profile picture of the author Copper11
    Social media are more about developing your brand image, getting traffic. G+ might be really good for SEO though.
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  • Profile picture of the author TrumpiaTim
    The above is a great comment, although it may not directly impact your SEO with Social Media you are building your overall brand image with your audience.


    Trumpia: The Most Completed SMS Text Messaging Software & API Solution.
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  • Profile picture of the author subisa852
    I agree with them that using social media platforms is a way to gain popularity and brand name to your company especially if many people "likes", "share" or "retweet" your posts. Some says that Google+ business page has a factor to rank high in Google SERP if you are use the platform correctly.
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  • Profile picture of the author HarryBajwa
    SMO techniques only use to increase or maintain website reputation that's why we do activity on all famous social media websites like facebook.com, linkin, twitter, pinterest, digg, delicious,stumbleupon etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author Resource9
    It is important to keep things simple when it comes to social networking. Make sure that you work on adding more people to your network and make sure that you are posting updates on a regular basis so that they remain interested,
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  • Profile picture of the author avowzone
    I only find some of my Google Plus post when search with my keywords in search engines. I think only Google plus has a great contribution for seo.
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  • Profile picture of the author sagittarius
    Social media can increase rankings through social signals, only to compliment your other SEO methods. Social signals tell Google that your link or post is interesting that's why it's viral. Shares, likes, tweets, retweets, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChristyTaylor
    Social media sites which have more traffic are good for SEO purpose. SEO is all about getting traffic to your website. social networking sites act as good plateform to redirecting more visitors to your website. You can post images, videos, and content related to your buisness.
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  • Profile picture of the author ConnectVT
    Become popular on Google Plus, build good network of followers, share interesting posts, receive +1s. These will act as social signals for Google to rank your website.
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  • Profile picture of the author sarathraja
    There is merit to this argument because social media has greatly impacted the way in which discover and share content, but hasn't completely taken over the way in which we look for a website or content using Google, Yahoo, or Bing.

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  • Profile picture of the author onpointinfo
    Social media signals is just a small part of overall ranking factors that affect seo on your website, but it does play a role, here is a link that will help you understand better

    2013 Search Engine Ranking Factors - Moz

    4 Social Media Seo Tips:

    1) Do not dismiss doing seo to your pages on social media sites you have an account with

    2) Play hard on BIG G+ it is favored by GOOGLE

    3) Max out the viral sharing stuff, find ways to get your content shared on social media which sends traffic this affects seo as well

    4) Your website should be of course SEO'd for onpage and offpage stuff and connected to your social media accounts once again affecting seo ...
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  • Profile picture of the author ChristinaCa
    back links are an important of search engine optimization, that’s not all that your team should be focused on. An updated study from Searchmetrics revealed how important social media signals are to a strong SEO ranking.
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  • Profile picture of the author jerytohn
    Google+ apparently has dofollow links, so they may positively and directly affect your SEO the most.

    Good Day People! This is my fav search engine: Google

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  • Profile picture of the author jaintechnosoft
    Google’s responsibility is to make sure users are seeing the most valuable, relevant content when they search online. If your social media posts are being shared and linked to frequently, the content may rank higher because Google may consider it to be of greater value for users.
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  • Profile picture of the author selvak
    i use twitter and google plus which bring more traffic to website.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vickcarty
    Dear the power of social media helps you in both SEO and building reputation. I made a youtube video which was ranked on google in 10 minutes after it was published. The secret is how you launch a particular blogpost and how much demand have you created through social media in the pre launch session.

    I only use facebook , twitter and Youtube for everything and it's working great.

    Use these resources to the maximum strength.

    I hope that solves your query.

    Message me if you need more details.
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  • Profile picture of the author haydnsymons
    Google + is one of the best websites for SEO, as Google indexs posts and shares instantly, as it's their own service. As there's privacy settings on platforms such as Facebook, this isn't always the best thing for your website SEO.
    Haydn Symons
    Blogger, Illustrator, Entrepreneur
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    • Profile picture of the author howarddavidson
      It really depends on several factors but don't focus on only one thing. If your product is more specific you should look for like for your fan page, if it is something that almost anyone can get interested in try to find shares and likes.
      howardjdavidson.com - Howard Davidson, marketing guy in Arlington, MA writes about marketing, advertising, social media and brand strategy with a touch of sarcasm.

      howarddavidsonarlingtonma.com - My secondary blog
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  • Profile picture of the author hostdare
    Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter,Squidoo.....helps in increasing traffic.It affect SEO in +ve way
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  • Profile picture of the author EduCom
    I have only benefited from Google Plus sharing..Just for ranking purpose i do Google Plus sharing, though Google has cleared that Social Sharing doesn't impact on ranking...
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  • Profile picture of the author SouruBlogger
    The 10 most important factors in SEO ranking now come from social media, with Google +1s leading the way. Rounding out the rest of the top seven are Facebook Shares, number of back links, Facebook total, Facebook comments, Facebook Likes, and Pinterest. Tweets aren’t far behind, coming in at number eight.
    The activity on social networks continues to increase, on the other hand it means that frequently shared content increasingly correlates with good rankings.

    Many of the expert marketers has already accepted that Social Shares Are the New Form of Link Building. Link building has always been an important factor taken into consideration by search engines to determine whether other websites across the web deemed your website to be a quality source of information.

    Links to your content on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube and other social networks help the search engines understand what websites are credible and should be ranked for what keyword phrases.

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    • Profile picture of the author gferrand
      Originally Posted by SouruBlogger View Post

      The 10 most important factors in SEO ranking now come from social media, with Google +1s leading the way. Rounding out the rest of the top seven are Facebook Shares, number of back links, Facebook total, Facebook comments, Facebook Likes, and Pinterest. Tweets aren't far behind, coming in at number eight.
      The activity on social networks continues to increase, on the other hand it means that frequently shared content increasingly correlates with good rankings.

      Many of the expert marketers has already accepted that Social Shares Are the New Form of Link Building. Link building has always been an important factor taken into consideration by search engines to determine whether other websites across the web deemed your website to be a quality source of information.

      Links to your content on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube and other social networks help the search engines understand what websites are credible and should be ranked for what keyword phrases.

      Very helpful infographic.
      TeclaLabs.com | We partner with startups and brands to build the future of web and mobile. Join our sales referral program and earn $18,000+ / yr. in supplementary income.
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  • Profile picture of the author project1010
    I like Pinterest Marketing , Its most effective these days
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  • Profile picture of the author Smithwell
    Social media is the best way for getting good traffic any website or business and marketing a product.

    Social Media Optimization

    A) Facebook
    B) Twitter
    C) Linkedin
    D) Google+
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  • Profile picture of the author postschiffeonline
    Facebook and Google+ are best sites for social networking.
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