How To Hide Admin On Facebook Fanpage?

by 2 replies

I am using facebook ads to promote my facebook fanpage and I want to hide myself as the admin. Is this automatically done already or do I need to do it. I do not want my facebook fanpage linked to my personal profile. Is this possible?
#social media #admin #facebook #fanpage #hide
  • Coreytucker,

    To the best of my knowledge there is no way to tell who the admin of a page is.


  • Thanks Shawn! Thats Great I have a another question if you dont mind. I am creating a cat lover/owner newsletter. I have my facebook ad linked to an opt in page inside my fan page. What would be the best way to advertise this with facebook ads?

    I guess im a little confused. I am starting a cat membership site and want to get people to join my email so I can pitch it to them.

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    Hi, I am using facebook ads to promote my facebook fanpage and I want to hide myself as the admin. Is this automatically done already or do I need to do it. I do not want my facebook fanpage linked to my personal profile. Is this possible?