My Two Cents on 2 Cent Facebook Pay-Per-Click

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My Two Cents On 2-Cent Facebook PPC's

This is my Insight on FB PPC, and it works.

It's J. here again with some Valuable Information! You want my Two Cents, on 2-Cent Clicks?

I Will Be doing a VIDEO on this in the near future, but I just wanted to get this out to my people!

Today I wan't to briefly explain (keeping it short), how to set up a beautiful and sexy Facebook PPC Campaign.

If your here, I'm assuming you understand the basics of setting up a Facebook AD,

Like the Location Targeting, Interest Targeting, Age Targeting Etc.

I'm going to keep this simple and straight to the point, I don't want to write all day... and you don't want to read all night... You know what I mean.

My Experience...

I only started Internet Marketing roughly two or three months ago.

I can honestly say I wasted at least 1000$ on useless Ad's because I wasn't aware of the loophole I now know. Paying anywhere between 30-Cents and 70-Cents... In respect to that, Now I can do the same thing for probably 30$ ... Not kidding.

So a lot of people think 50-Cent and 30-Cent clicks are actually good... Even 80-Cent clicks...

I HIGHLY Disagree! You wont find what I'm revealing anywhere on the front of Google. In fact Most of the top searches on Google bring you back to these 50-80Cent Clicks... Ridiculous waste of money.

Considering most of these clicks aren't even highly targeted.

NOW, I'm guessing your wondering... J. What the hell Is the Secret?!?

Breaking Down The Basics

I can tell you, that if you fail at doing this properly... You'll still most likely still easily get clicks at 10-Cents a pop with the Info I am going to reveal!

To achieve 2-Cents, takes a lot of Ad Copy Testing and patience, Although I picked it up quickly, results definitely vary.


Skip down to the next section if you want to get right to the 'Juicy' Stuff.

Destination Unknown
Whats Your Target Destination

Lead Capture Page?
Fan Page?
Offer Page?
YouTube Video?

Once again, testing ALL of these different methods and tracking your best converting offer is VERY Important so you can 'Scale Up' the one that proves the best results. Currently I send Traffic to Fan Pages, and Lead Capture Pages.

YouTube Video

Now... This is a method I am about to test out! I will definitely keep my followers updated on it's effectiveness. This video is your 'Sales Video', Its of yourself and allows your customer to connect to you on a whole different level. From here you direct them to any of the other Destinations you might have in mind.


By taking them to a website, instead of a direct offer, you allow your potential customer to use their imagination and 'browse' to close a sale.

Fan Page

If they like your page, you'll have the ability to market to them Over and Over again along with exposing your offers in creative ways.

Capture Page

You get their Email right away, and you can now keep them updated on everything you do and sell.

Offer Page

I do have some offer pages, where an EMAIL is not necessary to 'Order Now', the problem here is I find Leads are being left on the table which are very important for 'Follow Up'. If they are a serious customer, they will 'Enter' their email on the 'Capture Page' to get further info on the product anyways. (In My Opinion)

So You've Picked Your Destination...

This is where it gets real Juicy everyone.

Okay. So now you need 'Ad Copy' - That's the catchy line and picture that's going to make someone click what you got.

This is also the 'Hardest' part in my opinion, and judges whether your Ad will be 2 Cents or 15 Cents a click. (Both still completely amazing )

This is probably the MOST IMPORTANT Part.

Having good 'Ad Copy', determines your 'Click Through Ratio'(CTR) and is the Main Aspect of this Strategy.

You've all heard of the bidding options right?

Well, here is the biggest part where people go wrong... "Optimize for Clicks/Likes"

This optimization is basically a way of letting Facebook rape you for your money. No Joke.

So you MUST SWITCH to "Switch to Advanced Pricing (includes CPC)" or something like that...

Okay so now you got THREE Options

Optimize for Page Likes (Giving away your money)
Optimize for Clicks (Still kind-of giving away your money)
Optimize for Impressions (JACKPOT)
You still with me so far? This is where that (CTR) Comes into play...

'Impressions' are the number of times your ad is displayed in front of somebody.

Your (CTR) is the % that it gets clicked.

Lets say you paid 15-Cents for 1000 Impressions...

Now if your AD was clicked 15 Times, within those 1000 Impressions - Your paying 1 CENT Per Click.

So is this MUCH MUCH More clear now?

What I have above actually sucks, and I don't feel like editing other pictures right now. But its just an example, and I'm paying 2.75~Cents a click above which is good enough.

Laser Targeting Your Audience.

Alright so now you've figured out how to get the clicks...

Now you need to target the best Audience in order to get Maximum Conversion.

I can't really go into much explanation on this... Since I have 'NO' Idea what your promoting...

But In Order to make the most of these EXTREMELY Cheap Clicks, you will NEED to properly 'Target' your audiences.

Since I have 'NO' Idea what your promoting... I can't go into great detail on this, but I can provide a very general example...

Okay so the main targeting you want to do will be...


Location North American Ad's are most Effective for conversions... (Since we are such a consumerist nation and love going in debt) - Think of this when choosing your Location

Language Obviously English(ALL)

Interest Just be creative, if your selling Health and Wellness products, your target market is probably going to like anything to do with improving health and changing their life.

The 6 Important Factors!

1. Test and be Patient

2. The Higher the (Click Through Ratio %) The Better - Anything over 0.1+ is alright.

3. Good Ad Copy (Picture, Headline & Creative Statement)
Discover Your Destination

4. Don't Fall Prey to Optimization of Clicks, Optimize for your Impressions.

5. Properly Define your Products Field of Interest. - Your Targeted Audience

Hope this helped everyone! I know its helped me ALOT so go out there and make it work!

Feel free to contact me with questions I'll try my best to get back to you!
Take it easy everyone, go get the best for your buck!
#ads #advertising #cent #cents #facebook #paid #payperclick #ppc
  • Profile picture of the author CyberAlien
    My two cents on where social media marketing is talked about Social Media Marketing Forum
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8647034].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Stirksales
      Ahh makes sense, I'll switch categories I didn't even scroll that far down lol!
      Sorry bout that
      Every idea needs to be properly analyzed, once you see the potential within it... Action is the only step to success.

      Check out my blog at for some daily motivation and valuable info!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8647054].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Alan
    I liked it great breakdown.
    Crazy Cheap Hosting Get Hosting for less than $2 per month + Free Domain Name Registration. Get Free SEO, Blogging and Internet Marketing Tips from the Solo Blogger.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8647072].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Forteam04
    Hey. . Thanks for the valuable Info!

    <<< New $100 A Day Method >>> ** Never Seen Before Traffic Sources** << Raving Reviews >>

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8647094].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dan11749
    Facebook PPC is on par with Google PPC in regard to compliance to rules. They will take something down in an instant...very hard to deal with.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8647140].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    I would suggest you look into 'custom audiences' if you want to get your click prices down.

    Also CPM is not always the best option. It really depends on the type of campaign you are running. In many cases on Facebook it can make more sense to run CPC ads.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8647512].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Robin Blinds
    Originally Posted by Stirksales View Post

    I only started Internet Marketing roughly two or three months ago.
    I'm the type of person who judges books by their cover. So I didnt continue reading after that line.
    Traffic + Conversions = $$$$

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8647854].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author LimitlessTraffic
      Originally Posted by Robin Blinds View Post

      I'm the type of person who judges books by their cover. So I didnt continue reading after that line.
      Then I guess you missed out on some good information regarding FB PPC.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8647872].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author WillR
      Originally Posted by Robin Blinds View Post

      I'm the type of person who judges books by their cover. So I didnt continue reading after that line.
      So am I. So I stopped reading when I saw your name was 'Robin' but your photo was the Hamburgler.

      Very deceiving
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8648108].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Stirksales
        Thanks for all the positive feedback guys. I also do use Custom audiences, but I can also get really low clicks without it. Baha, and Robin, based on the fact I have been doing this for 3 months, and I can do what I'm doing. Good luck man, can't wait to see where I'll be in a year.

        On a lighter not, yes other methods do work, I Just know that this method is working for me! So I hope it helps, and I KNOW you can get some well-priced clicks without the custom audiences. Happy marketing everyone!
        Every idea needs to be properly analyzed, once you see the potential within it... Action is the only step to success.

        Check out my blog at for some daily motivation and valuable info!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8648933].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author EmilyGreen
          Hi Stirksales GOOD ON YOU MATE. what a lot you have learned and shared in just 3 short months. I found that targeting an audience of around 50,000 is a surefire way of keeping click costs down. Anyway here is a message for you and other warriors. I am about to launch a new service offering facebook custom audience data for any niche.I can supply literally thousands of user ids from groups in CSV format. You (the facebook advertiser) can then use the data to target your facebook ads to. Working on how I can deliver this to you and what I can charge for the service. So warriors if you want a target audience in ANY NICHE and YOUR NICHE has groups on facebook drop me a line. As my service is not live yet I will provide the first 5 enquirers with a HIGHLY TARGET AUDIENCE csv file for a reasonably low fee. Price will depend on how many people you want to target and whether you want to target open or closed groups.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8721092].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JRJWrites
    So much valuable info! I've been looking around for good info on PPC and this is a great guide. Bookmarked!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8647880].message }}

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