Which social networking site really attract visitors ?

61 replies
Couple of days ago, when i started my blog. I faced first problem is how i attract visitors to my blog, for this i started reading popular blogs which have great amount of traffic and they tell us how to get them. But seriously those articles didn't help me a lot. I everyday spent my time on social netwrking sites to attract visitors to my contant but they just visit for a second then leave it. It's very difficult to focus on all networking sites. They waste my lots of pericious time. Please guys tell me that which one is the best social networking site which really attract traffic, so i focus on that
#attract #networking #site #social #visitors
  • Profile picture of the author project1010
    Facebook and Twitter both are best source for social networking and traffic .
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    • Profile picture of the author KevinJohnson
      If you want to get traffic from social networking website then you require hard work like join related groups, comments and like other status, Share latest updates in your blog post.
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  • Profile picture of the author EduCom
    If they are leaving your site instantly then it proves that you are not providing what they want or what they may find interesting to come back..So provide interesting posts..
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  • Profile picture of the author PNVMike

    You must concentrate on quality postings and the visitors will follow,don't expect miracles in 2 days it takes some time to promote your blog
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  • Profile picture of the author asuran
    If you concentrate ona dding followers on pinterest,twitter, tumblr and google plus daily you will have their numbers in hundreds by the end of the week.
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  • Profile picture of the author xpesos
    First you want to make sure that you have a lot of interesting and quality stuff for visitors to read and engage
    If you website is related to professional services, Marketing, you better join Linkedin, facebook, twitter,
    Try to join some groups related to your niche in linkedin and facebook, try to post some quality stuff there and then engage with users there..

    If you have entertainment site then use Stumbleupon, facebook and pinterest

    Stumbleupon can give you sudden blast of traffic but you need to make sure your post is really interesting only then there will be more chances fo your post going viral, posts like "Top 10 beautiful islands to visit" " Top 10 mountains you must visit" can easily go viral on stumbleupon, so it will mostly depends how much effort you can put in building up quality stuff on your site

    Originally Posted by Softonal View Post

    Couple of days ago, when i started my blog. I faced first problem is how i attract visitors to my blog, for this i started reading popular blogs which have great amount of traffic and they tell us how to get them. But seriously those articles didn't help me a lot. I everyday spent my time on social netwrking sites to attract visitors to my contant but they just visit for a second then leave it. It's very difficult to focus on all networking sites. They waste my lots of pericious time. Please guys tell me that which one is the best social networking site which really attract traffic, so i focus on that
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  • Profile picture of the author BLindquist
    Originally Posted by Softonal View Post

    Couple of days ago, when i started my blog. I faced first problem is how i attract visitors to my blog, for this i started reading popular blogs which have great amount of traffic and they tell us how to get them. But seriously those articles didn't help me a lot. I everyday spent my time on social netwrking sites to attract visitors to my contant but they just visit for a second then leave it. It's very difficult to focus on all networking sites. They waste my lots of pericious time. Please guys tell me that which one is the best social networking site which really attract traffic, so i focus on that

    Facebook's Alexa ranking is higher than Twitter's. For beginner marketers, FB will allow you a better way to engage in active marketing.

    Affiliate links and templates are not allowed.

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  • Profile picture of the author adystanley
    Facebook is the best social network at the moment, followed by Twitter.
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  • Profile picture of the author Siklly4
    I was having problems with the same thing to me facebook and linkedin is great social network.
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  • Profile picture of the author Softonal
    Thanx all for your advices
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  • Profile picture of the author DanielKim
    I prefer Google+, it worked for me for my blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author Weblin
    Any social networking site will work, you just have to do good promotion of your site/product there.
    www.HandleMySite.com handles your WordPress site by doing all of the maintenance and technical work for you. Making backups, managing updates, maintenance, performance, security, SEO, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author Johansmith
    Facebook, Twitter, Google plus are some social profiles which may help you.
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  • Profile picture of the author AlistarWaugh
    Many social networking sites are available now days like Facebook, Twiter etc, but as per my use of internet services I think user friendly features and popularity of Facebook attracts visitors more then any other social site.
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  • Profile picture of the author chaamra20
    Facebook is better
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  • Profile picture of the author Stefan Shields
    Facebook and Twitter but the traffic from there will never be as good as Google search traffic for the simple fact that they may not be looking for what you have to offer on your site.

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  • Profile picture of the author JoeFerguson
    Join as many groups that are related to your niche on Facebook as possible. Then post frequently on those groups regarding new posts on your blog. Make sure the individuals who read your group posts understand what THEY will get from visiting your blog and reading whichever post you are promoting. There has to be something in it for them or they won't have much interest.
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  • Profile picture of the author Eric Wilson
    Facebook and twitter both, but facebook is more important to get visitors as in facebook you can also post photo.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrhelpful
    Obviously the big social networks such as Twitter and Facebook work. However a secret that a lot of people don't usually address is Reddit. There really aren't very many marketers on there and the simple fact ends up being that if you post at an optimum time of the day; (find this on Google or the Pinterest Technology page) then you can immediately have A LOT of eyes on you. Click here and you'll see the most visited sections of Reddit. Just make sure you follow their rules and don't just post a link anywhere. Make it relevant too. For instance for a weight loss blog, go to "lose it" and post a 10 tip post on how to lose weight or something and as one of the tips, have your blog name. This can really add up traffic (I've averaged about 3,000-sometimes 10,000 people in a month from this) This also helps because it's targeted. I hope I helped!

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  • Profile picture of the author graceby
    Here in our country its Facebook and Youtube.
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  • Profile picture of the author Priya Aggarwal
    As per my opinion you should prefer Facebook,Twitter, Youtube and Pinterest as these are best social networking website which really attracts quality traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author trusodesign
    create content that provides useful information. then try to give the title of the blog that makes people curious. share your blog with your friends - your closest friends first

    Wory Kharisma
    C.E.O Truso Design

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  • Profile picture of the author Maestroo
    Youtube, Facebook and then Twitter.
    but i have promises to keep and miles to go before i sleep...
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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    All social network sites attracts real visitors, but facebook, twitter, google+, pinterest, instagram are one of very populated networks that can be very handy to get free targetted traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adeel Sami
    It depends what your blog is about and whom you are marketing your blog to, i.e. to those people who have interest regarding the subject of your blog. If you are going for non-relevant people, this won't work. Engagement works when there's relevancy and for this, FB, TW, G+, YoutTube, Pinterest, Stumble Upon, Digg, LinkedIn, etc. will work best for you when you meet with the relevancy.
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  • Profile picture of the author SteveGrant1
    Facebook, twitter is really great site.
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  • Profile picture of the author kiarafernandes
    I use only five sites you can also use it. Mention below

    Google Plus

    Here are the five sites you can get visitor easily and post your url.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nittish Sharma
    Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Myspace, Pinterest are most popular social networking websites which generate targeted traffic to your website.
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  • Profile picture of the author Denise Hall
    Pinterest has worked the best for me. I get loads of traffic to my websites from it.
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  • Profile picture of the author wayneh
    It sounds from your post that you have no problem attracting people to your blog from social media and the problem is that they don't stick around. From that two questions could be asked - (1) Are the people you are engaging with on social media interested in what your blog is about? and if yes, (2) Is there anything you can do to make your content more engaging?
    Have you checked out the most popular blogs in your market to see what they are doing, that may give you some hints as to what is popular and engaging in your market.
    CLICK HERE for techniques and reviews of affiliate marketing training
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  • Profile picture of the author Genext Solutions
    Hi there,

    Increasing traffic is not one or two day process. It is slow process and you need to be patient. First make a time schedule for each and every SEO, SocialMedia tasks which includes Facebook twitter etc. Divide every task and implement accordingly. You will best and relevant traffic to your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author seranking
    I use only Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus! They are of great value!
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  • Profile picture of the author metricrank
    If you want to increase your website traffic through social networking sites so you will have to focus on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. This is the best social networking sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author HunterWoods
    At the moment im receiving most traffic from Pinterest
    WalletWrecker - Cool and weird stuff for sale on the interwebs
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  • Profile picture of the author seolindsay
    Depending on your niche, YouTube is a really great way to attract visitors to your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author adwordz
    Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ are the best social networking sites.But all results are depend on your hard work.
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  • Profile picture of the author trusodesign
    Your blog may not provide information of interest to others. try to create a blog that provides useful information for others to know of do not know. or you can just tuck the content that can make them laugh..

    you can try facebook or twitter

    Wory Kharisma
    C.E.O Truso Design

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  • Profile picture of the author sohailglt
    I think GPlus & TWitter are best for more traffic as i experienced...
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  • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
    My top 3 over 800K unique visitors and 1.4 million total visits to one of my sites is as follows:

    1. Facebook by a gigantic margin
    2. Pinterest
    3. Stumbleupon

    Twitter has accounted for a whopping 1430 visitors

    "Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale

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  • Profile picture of the author mshajid
    Facebook is better than any other social networks. !
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  • Profile picture of the author dreamgirl21
    I agree there are many places to share your blog. My main ones are facebook, linkedin, twitter and google + but there are many more..

    Please do not use affiliate or MLM links.

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  • Profile picture of the author veecreate

    All the social Media services are good and giving best result .
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  • Profile picture of the author jessiem
    Originally Posted by Softonal View Post

    Couple of days ago, when i started my blog. I faced first problem is how i attract visitors to my blog, for this i started reading popular blogs which have great amount of traffic and they tell us how to get them. But seriously those articles didn't help me a lot. I everyday spent my time on social netwrking sites to attract visitors to my contant but they just visit for a second then leave it. It's very difficult to focus on all networking sites. They waste my lots of pericious time. Please guys tell me that which one is the best social networking site which really attract traffic, so i focus on that
    What are those social networking sites you have tried already?
    How did you use social media for attracting visitors?
    I think you can get more people to go to your site if you have joined a lot of groups (like Linkedin or Facebook). You can also try Google Plus for driving traffic as its proven to work really well.
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  • Profile picture of the author infoway
    I will definitely go with Pinterest and Google+; ideal for branding and promotion and a wonderful medium to attract traffic thus enhancing website's SERP rankings.
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  • Profile picture of the author rango1
    I have to agree with project1010, Facebook and Twitter are your best source for social networking. People do go in and out of these site pretty quickly though as I have also noticed because most peoples attention spans are like a hamsters . My suggestion to you is, try changing your copy, try making it more eye catching, it doesn't have to be long, short and sweet works just as well. But to answer your question, I would stick with FB, lots of eyeballs there.
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    • Profile picture of the author flipfl0p
      everysite and it all depends on your niche

      Facebook - Mostly depends on your fanpage
      Twitter - SEO's Promoters marketers
      Pinterest - Moms, Girls, photo addicts
      Linkedin - Professional, VA's working etc
      Google + - bot? lolz


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  • Profile picture of the author rmJimmy
    First make you sure you provide quality contents which are informative and effective. This is how people will spend their time on your blog.

    Your social profile should be attractive and engaging as well. I think initially use facebook, twitter and google+. If your content has quality then it will be easy to get traffic from social networks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gerald Sharp
    Facebook and Twitter

    For more visitors you can use the apps they provide. These really do well for traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author easypr
    I suggest focus on LinkedIn and Pinterest, it is the professional networking site. In LinkedIn join the groups about your blog topic and submit your post on their, And same as pinterest. Also follow other people pins in pinterest and add people in LinkedIn. In Pinterest their is option to share your post on facebook, so when you pin some thing Pinterest they automatically post in Facebook and In LinkedIn their is option to post in Twitter. By doing these you post 4 social networking sites and working on 2 sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author krad32
    In my opinion you should know your target viewer first before you produce an article. This way you can intercept what they want. Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google + are social media sites that are very helpful to attract visitors. You also need a lot of patience and dedication when promoting you blog because there's no easy way to do it.

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  • Profile picture of the author Elina Jasic
    I think Facebook is the best source for get more visitors and traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author samskriti
    To get shares traffic from socialmedia channels is not one day job good content should be there in the blog and you should follow & add friends. it takes little time.
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  • Profile picture of the author AlbertBarkley
    Originally Posted by Softonal View Post

    Couple of days ago, when i started my blog. I faced first problem is how i attract visitors to my blog, for this i started reading popular blogs which have great amount of traffic and they tell us how to get them. But seriously those articles didn't help me a lot. I everyday spent my time on social netwrking sites to attract visitors to my contant but they just visit for a second then leave it. It's very difficult to focus on all networking sites. They waste my lots of pericious time. Please guys tell me that which one is the best social networking site which really attract traffic, so i focus on that
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  • Profile picture of the author SethLogan
    Youtube all day! Make videos consistently every week and you'll get a ton of traffic if it's good content.
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  • Profile picture of the author amutechnologies
    I would recommend that you use following sites!!
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  • Profile picture of the author markeeter
    I think the problem here is not getting traffic, it's retaining it since you are getting people but they leave as soon as they come. You need to work on retaining the people who come to your site. Give them reason to stay. This can be useful tutorials, great images, good videos or anything else.

    Are you writing the content of your website yourself or do you have someone else doing it for you. What kind of content is your website providing? are you targeting the right people for the Job?

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  • Profile picture of the author JoelDean
    For me i opt for Facebook, massive prospective audience to market with.

    Proven to Rank up and Build Up Your Youtube Channel

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  • Profile picture of the author markeeter
    All social media sites, atleast the popular ones likes Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Linked in, Reddit, and Stumble Upon, have potential to bring traffic to your website.
    It depends upon how well you use them, and how well you target.

    Each website has its own category of people using it. Facebook has almost everyone, pinterest has mostly women, tumblr has teen bloggers, and so on. If you can target properly, and you can get people's attention they're all great. It's all about your niche and your marketing skills.

    Having Email Deliverability issues?
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  • Profile picture of the author irfanmaverick
    I think before advertising on Social media, you should craft a lead generation strategy i.e. if a visitor comes to your site via any source, you should try to build your list by some lead-bait i.e. free ebook, discount on your product or any other offer. Because otherwise, you are simply missing users that are coming (or will come) via any channel. Be known that MONEY IS IN THE LIST.
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  • Profile picture of the author irfanmaverick
    2ndly, understand the essence of Social Media. Its to engage. Conversation about your content/product/niche is happening in social media sphere. You have to become a part of those conversations. These conversations are happening, in case of Facebook:
    1. Groups
    2. Pages

    So search them, join them, engage your target audience. Establish yourself an authority by delivering value to the conversations.
    Besides, the best and quickest way to get traffic on social media, primarily Facebook, is to run targeted ads on your page.Generate a community on your page relevant to your blog and engage them and promote your product/content subtly & contextually.
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