5 Proven Ways to Increase your Facebook Engagement
Following are 5 ways that have proven to increase engagement.
1) Attract your fans to a specific point in your article.
Fans are subject to a multitude of content on Facebook and on other places over the web. Just posting a link to your article will not spark engagement. Pointing fans to a specific point in your post will increase clicks, comments, and shares.
2) Vary your content
Do not use the same type of content. This will bore your readers and they will tend to skip on your content. There are various types of content that you can use on Facebook. Use videos, photos, linked articles, and other types. Just watch your analytics and see what is engaging your fans more and give them more of that type.
3) Adjust your posts to drive click-throughs
When making a post increase your fans click-throughs by including incentives and call to actions. Do not assume that your fans know what to do next.
4) Inject emotions in your posts
With all the content that is available over the internet readers become accustomed to words and they might skim your content and head to another post in their news feed. Experiments have shown that including images, such as emoticons, will increase peoples' reactions.
5) Provide ever-green content
If your posts are about a trendy topic then you expect that the engagement will go down when the trend has passed by. Include evergreen posts as much as you can to keep the level of engagement high.
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