Easy formula to hit your first $100
I know a lot of readers are struggling to hit their first $100 online... so allow me to share an awesome formula for making an easy $100 and probably a lot more if you follow through with it.
I just did this a few days ago and so far, I'm up to $115 for about 2 hours of work. All of this with no money invested and using tools that are available for all of you reading.
I bet a bunch of you reading this are thinking, BLASPHEMY! There is no easy formula for making quick money without investing cold hard cash... well, I'm here to let you know you are wrong.
The key to quick sales without already being involved in the niche with a following is choosing niches that are buzzing and hot right now. Combine these buzzing angles with established communities in the niche and you're going to win.
Every day, there are niches like this popping up that you can take advantage of... Here's an example of one and the one I used in this case study.
Now, I'm an Auburn University graduate. If you don't know, Auburn is in the national championship game coming up early January. That national championship buzz alone is something you can easily take advantage of for the next month...
BUT, that's not even close to the buzz this niche has offered right now. 2 weeks ago, we played our biggest rival, Alabama. Alabama was the shoe in for the national championship game this year... until we beat them... not only that, but we beat them in unbelievable fashion (a last second return on a missed field goal... THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN). Many have called it one of the greatest games of all time.
All I hear when people say things like that is OPPORTUNITY for a buzz niche!
So, we have a football team that is already well known on the national scale (they already have established communities)... they're on a miracle run in the game because NO ONE expected us to win (huge media buzz)... and they've just won one of the greatest games of all time (fans want to remember that stuff).
Sounds like a perfect buzz niche to me! Now, let's see how I profited from this without much work...
The Offer
In this case study, I sold tshirts. I chose tshirts because they are super easy to make and sell with a crowd funding site called Teespring (Custom T-shirts » Design & Sell T-Shirts for Your Group | Teespring). You can design a tshirt, set a sales goal, and start selling within minutes.
Tshirts are also perfect for this buzz niche because like I said, people want to remember this moment and what better way to show your support for your team to the world than with a tshirt.
Along with your niche choice being super important, your offer is EXTREMELY important. To make this work, it's important that you provide an offer that your audience will actually want.
Since the Iron Bowl (the Auburn/Alabama game is called this), I've been seeing tshirts all over the place, but it's obvious none of the creators are Auburn fans. They used the wrong colors... they used our war cry (War Eagle!) in the wrong way... they even used another schools mascot that was a tiger as well.
Real Auburn fans will not buy these because we know it's wrong.
So, I knew there was a lot of opportunity here to create something cool that they wanted.
As I was strolling around Facebook, one of my friends posted a picture that had the quoted words that Auburn's announcer said as we won with the last second run back during the game. Now, as an Auburn fan, we get chills every time we hear it. It brings us back to that amazing moment.
When I saw it, I knew, "There's my tshirt!" I took the quote I saw and simply put it on a tshirt... In the image below, you can see the original Facebook post on the left and the tshirt design I created on the right:

Now that I have my tshirt, it's time to get it in front of the right audience...
The Free Traffic
There are a ton of ways to send traffic to these teespring campaigns. One of my main business models is using established fan pages that I create to send traffic to the campaign. This of course requires that you have an active fan page already created in the niche. I did not have that in this case, so I had to look for the places that already were full of Auburn fans.
Facebook groups were the stomping ground of choice to hit. I went onto Facebook, did a quick search for Auburn, and requested access into every group I could find...

I found a solid 15-20 groups that were pretty active. You can see a few of those in the pic above.
After I got accepted into the group, I made a simple post letting these readers know about the tshirt...

From this action alone, I've been able to sell 15 of these tshirts. I make around $8-$10 per tshirt sale. I set my goal at 20 tshirts so I will need to sell 5 more to get paid... but so far, this is literally all I've done. Selling the last 5 should be easy by posting in more active communities within the niche like active forums, blogs, pinterest boards, etc.
If it really comes down to it, I could buy some FB ads or just buy the last few myself still making a profit.
You can easily follow this model in any niche out there. The buzz of the Auburn win made my job a lot easier, but don't think that this won't work for other niches... I have my intern on this right now following the exact same steps for the Pug niche and we've sold 8 of the 10 goal since yesterday evening.
Go out and give it a try. It works like a charm!
P.S. Just posted PART 2 of this case study where I show you how I'm using FB ads to sell the last few of these in the campaign. Check it out here --> http://www.warriorforum.com/social-m...50-profit.html
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