How can I get more twitter responses/retweets of my tweets?

10 replies
I started my Twitter account a couple of weeks ago and have 102 followers now, following 368 people, made 6 tweets.

New to twitter though . You see your followers retweets in Connects tab, correct?

How can I get more people to retweet my tweets, even when my account is brand new?
#responses or retweets #tweets #twitter
  • Profile picture of the author temlawn
    goto fiverr... buy the followers... cheap and works. only 5 bucks.. you can get thousands of followers.. but dont go over 10K
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  • Profile picture of the author hostdare
    Add links within your tweets
    Follow Hashtags
    Build Network of people
    If you want to increase your retweets start to tweet quotes
    If you want to get the most retweets consider tweeting out messages on Wednesday at 5PM because I find the most visibility in this time
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    • Profile picture of the author elviira
      Originally Posted by nipon View Post

      consider tweeting out messages on Wednesday at 5PM because I find the most visibility in this time
      In which time zone are you located?
      And have you found out whether that rule can be applied to other publishing (blog, newsletter, FB...) as well?
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  • Profile picture of the author andynathan
    First, you only have 6 tweets? That is a problem right there. Remember that there is something like 500 million tweets per day. If you are serious about Twitter post at least 3 times per day. I have close to 85,000 tweets over the past 5 years. That is not to brag, but to give you an idea that getting retweeted does not happen overnight.

    Second, if you want to speed up the process, start using content syndication sites like JustRetweet, ViralContentBuzz, and Triberr. The last two are great if you have a blog. The first one works for most types of tweets.

    Become part of communities that help people share each others content.

    Third, use the advanced Twitter search feature to find people you think might be interested in your content. Retweet their content. Praise them. Make them feel special. (Yes, Twitter is like dating.) Not all will respond back to you, but some will. More than likely they will respond back by sharing your content on Twitter.

    The ones who respond back are the ones you need to continually retweet. Build a relationship with them over time.

    If you follow these steps, you will be shocked at the level of success you start attaining. It takes time, but completely worth it.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ripster
    Unfortunately, Twitter isn't as effective as it used to be. In order to take advantage of Twitter, you have to appear famous or be someone important.
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  • Profile picture of the author tiroberts

    There are several free services that you can use to get more retweets.

    Some sites I use are:

    These sites are really simple, straight forward and they work.

    The one I use the most is JustRetweet, and I can usually get about 20 extra retweets on my blog articles.

    Hope this helps you.

    ~ Ti
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  • Profile picture of the author petelta
    The best way to create active followers on Twitter is reply to niche specific tweets being posted from others.

    So, if you're in the weight loss niche, do a search for anyone asking about losing weight... then answer their question. You can use Twitter's search or use hashtags to find your target audience.

    It's funny to watch people market on Twitter like it's 2008.

    Ti Roberts up there has a good suggestion for spreading your message... but typically retweet tribes work best if you're doing blogging along with your content.

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    • Profile picture of the author jennadrew
      This may sound obvious, but start adding "Please Retweet" or "Please RT" to your tweet. According to an infographic on Hubspot 51% retweeted messages with Please Retweet and 39% retweeted tweets with Please RT...

      Be careful about paying for followers, after a month or so they start disappearing and Twitter has been exposing people that buy their followers!
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  • Profile picture of the author BethHewitt
    Don't by followers. Focus on following people in your niche and providing value in your niche. Interact with people, read their blogs, retweet their stuff. Use hashtags. Don't worry about not having a big following, embrace the fact that it's easier to connect with a small number while you are starting out.


    Need help figuring out your niche? >>The Simple Blogging Network can Help

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  • Profile picture of the author Stefan Shields
    If you want to get retweets and responses you need to create interesting tweets.

    You won't get people reading something if you're basically saying "hey click here now!!!"

    Having a dedicated audience who hang on your every word is also important. that of course though takes lots of time.

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