best social plugin for sharing and following?

3 replies
Hello Warriors,

I was wondering what the best social media plugin is for both sharing and following. Most well-known and reliable plugins I see are for either one or the other.

For sharing, I want readers to share my articles on facebook, twitter, G+, stumble upon, etc. bascially social media and social bookmarking.

For following, I want them to follow us on facebook and twitter. But I don't like the facebook plugin as it's too bulky.

Right now, we have people sharing our pages on facebook, which is nice, but I would like to diversify, and also to start building our fb page and twitter accounts.

Any suggestions?
#plugin #sharing #social
  • Profile picture of the author msocialh

    As far as I know there is no one plugin to do both sharing and following at the same time, however you can use one plugin for following and use the widget in the right side bar and use another plugin for social sharing which would be found below, above article or on the left hand side.

    For Social Following plugin I recommend "EASY MASHABLE SOCIAL BAR"
    For Social sharing plugin you can use "SOCIABLE" or "SHAREBAR" or any other.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnZ
    Yeah, I can't say I know of one that does both really well any more because the "share and follow" plugin seems to no longer available...but if you do want to utilize the widget area for for social follows like msocialh recommended, you can try out this plugin here that works pretty well.

    WordPress › Social Media Widget « WordPress Plugins

    Also I want to mention that I have a plugin that is a notification bar and pop-up content box combo that has integrated share buttons you can use and get creative with if you might be interested in that. The link for it is in my signature if you want to take a look.

    However, you may already have seen many of them but there are plenty of free social share plugins like the one below if you're still looking, and that can be used along with the widget plugin.

    WordPress › Slick Social Share Buttons « WordPress Plugins

    Hope it helps.

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  • Profile picture of the author BethHewitt
    I personally use digg digg, which gives you lots of different options, but there are lots of different plugins.

    Make it easy for people to follow you on the main sites and also be sure to ask people to connect with you in your first email to them. Never miss an opportunity to build those connections.

    Need help figuring out your niche? >>The Simple Blogging Network can Help

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