Facebook not scrapping thumbnails and no info?

by Haship
2 replies
I noticed a few days ago, that FB can't get any thumbnails for my links for my new posts. Not sure if this has to do something with the new Wordpress update, because it started just exactly when i updated to the latest version.

Now when i share some link on my fanpage, i just can't get any thumbnails and no info at all too. Previously it was all good, i was getting a few different thumnails to choose from + a small text at the bottom. Now just a link, nothing else.

The thing is that i have more than one site and the same thing for all sites.

If i share my older posts (that i shared some time ago on facebook), those are fine even if i share them again.

Anyone else noticed this issue too?
#facebook #info #scrapping #thumbnails
  • Profile picture of the author Deluvas
    I had a similar problem with opengraph parsing done by Facebook, when trying to share a page. Even though the opengraph tags were proper, it wouldn't show their content in the sharing box.

    So I went here (https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug), entered the page address with the content I wanted to share and hit Debug. The next moment when I tried to share the page, it was parsing the tags properly.

    Be sure the debugger says your opengraph is valid. If there are errors, it will show you precisely what you need to fix.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8825858].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author banwork
      Originally Posted by Deluvas View Post

      I had a similar problem with opengraph parsing done by Facebook, when trying to share a page. Even though the opengraph tags were proper, it wouldn't show their content in the sharing box.

      So I went here (https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug), entered the page address with the content I wanted to share and hit Debug. The next moment when I tried to share the page, it was parsing the tags properly.

      Be sure the debugger says your opengraph is valid. If there are errors, it will show you precisely what you need to fix.
      This was a very helpful post thank you! I have had hundreds of issues with Facebook not loading web content correctly in the thumbnail over the last two years. The automatic process seems to be making a lot of improvements but they change the system so often that even when you don't change your website, you can still get issues.

      Thank you to the 400+ warriors that chose to buy my Facebook WSO granting lifetime access to my Udemy course!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8835673].message }}

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