How to Increase Traffic to My Website Genuinely?

38 replies
Hi friends,

I have a website where I share information about (how to's and tips n tricks) on different mobiles and tablets. I get 30 - 40 views on every article I post in around a week's time. What would be the best way to get more Quality traffic to my website?

I have a YouTube channel, I make videos and redirect viewers to my website. I share on most social networking websites too.

Please share your techniques of increasing traffic to websites.

Thanks in advance.
#genuinely #increase #traffic #website
  • The only was to get your article site more visitors is post alot more quality articles and get backlinks from high pr domains. The rest and you are on your own.
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    • Profile picture of the author spwerewolf
      Originally Posted by mobilemarketingonline View Post

      The only was to get your article site more visitors is post alot more quality articles and get backlinks from high pr domains. The rest and you are on your own.
      I do post quality articles, what do you mean by getting back links from high PR domains?
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      • Profile picture of the author themdd
        Have you done any guest posting on other related blogs?

        Instead of posting every article on your blog you should consider guest posting on others blogs that have established traffic already. It's a brilliant way not only to get a quality backlink to your site but also to expand your exposure.

        You could also consider writing a free PDF guide that you could use as link bait to capture email subscribers. You can do this with your current site visitors to ensure they never miss out on a new post and also as a social strategy, such as with Facebook.

        Create a custom tab on Facebook with a lead gen form and drive traffic offering a free guide in exchange for their email. You can even add a fan gate which forces them to like your page before seeing the content of the landing page.
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  • Profile picture of the author spwerewolf
    I have done guest posting on other related blogs, but the number of backlinks I get is comparatively low.

    Your free PDF guide thing is something I would definitely try , along with your Facebook strategy.

    Thanks !
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  • Profile picture of the author linux17
    No need to worries about backlink as its required to increase the domain rank, you only need to active on facebook,twitter , pinterest and other active forums and keep post the informative and genuine information
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  • Profile picture of the author johnben1444
    You should optimize your home page and any other relevant pages and build some top quality backlinks.

    By sending top notch links to your site it can become an authority and most likely rank blog post for low term competitons..
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8860597].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author planetlubs
      There are three routes I can suggest:

      1. SEO:
      The first step would be to SEO optimise your home page. Chose a primary keyword that you want your website to rank for on the search engines. I usually find my blogs ranking well when I set a static homepage for the blog rather than using dynamic posts. If you set a static page, you need to write a quality article on this page and it should be no less than 1000 words and optimized for your primary Keyword (A keyword density of 1% would be okay.

      After you have done that, you can then post other relevant articles on the blog which are also keyword optimized. (Use long tail keywords for these secondary posts).

      I know this may seem as narrow (Especially if you think you want to have general mobile and tablet tips and tricks), but you need a foundation of a few posts which are SEO optimized to bring you consistent search engine traffic. You should aim at having atleast 30 posts on your blog.

      After you have optimized as above, you should build NATURAL backlinks to the home page and to the inner posts. There are several ways you can build back-links and you actually need to vary these. For example:
      1. Search google for relevant blogs which allow comments and do post useful blog comments on these blogs with an anchor link pointing to your site. You can do as many comments but not on a single day.
      2. Submit your website to directory listings. You can use Fiverr: Graphics, marketing, fun, and more online services for $5 to find some one who can submit your website to high PR directories for only $5.
      3. Write a free ebook and submit it to Doc and pdf sharing sites. Include a link back to your website.
      4. Write unique articles and submit to high PR article directories such as,, etc.
      5. Create a lens and a page on with a unique content on these and have a link back to your website.
      6. Create other web 2.0 properties like on word press, blogger, Tumbler etc with links back to your site

      6. Do guest blogging.

      7. submit to as many social networks as possible (Twitter, Facebook, Stumble upon, Reddit, Digg, Pinterest etc)
      Then have all the backlinks you have created above indexed by search engines so that they can contribute to your sites ranking.

      NOTE: This is a long term trategy and you need some knowledge to implement it. I would suggest you pick up some free or Paid book on SEO to know more. You could also pay someone here on the forum (Warriors for hire section) to rank your website. It can be quite expensive and I would only do that if I am sure that I will make money from the site. There is definitely more to it than I have written above, but still if you do the above, you can see some increase in your website traffic and this would be free traffic.

      2. Paid traffic.
      You can pay for traffic through PPC like facebook, adwords, microsoft adcenter and many more. This is expensive and you could loose lots of money.

      So I would suggest option one.

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  • Profile picture of the author spwerewolf
    Thanks everyone, any more help is definitely appreciated.
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    • Profile picture of the author trusodesign
      Make a blog whose content is a useful information for many people and can be the answer to a question for Internet users. That's the easiest way to increase your website traffic.

      Wory Kharisma
      C.E.O Truso Design

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      • Profile picture of the author bijutoha
        Originally Posted by trusodesign View Post

        Make a blog whose content is a useful information for many people and can be the answer to a question for Internet users. That's the easiest way to increase your website traffic.
        Then Bookmarking is the another path to get more traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author multiplecloud
    I believe SEO is always effective one. Get rank in first page doesn't easy but focus on quality, do not use any of spam content.

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  • Profile picture of the author Elena21
    Advertise your website on different social networking sites such as Facebook. Also you can create a video of the tips and tricks of tablets and mobiles and upload it on Youtube, this will also increase the traffic of your website, make sure that you have mentioned the website name. Try some websites from which you can buy traffic for your website. Try SEOclerks, I found it useful in increasing traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author VivekThakur
    As you said you did video submission and share your post on social network.
    This is exactly what you need to do. Do it at higher level.
    Post your video on other video submission sites too like vimeo, dailymotion,Tumblr, Pinterest, etc. with a title including your keyword.
    And be active on social profile, pages, groups,community Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google +, Linkedin,,meetme,myspace and keep sharing.

    Enjoy Life.

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  • Profile picture of the author sarah23
    That's good that you already have youtube channel.
    Make sure you upload short and precise videos videos there. Short videos help a lot for traffic to be redirected to external site.
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  • Profile picture of the author selvak
    publish a guest blog relevant to your industry.
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  • Profile picture of the author Assignmentwriter
    Drop My Link - Find sites to create backlinks on try this one get lot of links and traffic.
    Prospring launch offering a 100 Million in Prizes and stacks of benefits each week.

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  • Profile picture of the author Stew21
    To Increase Traffic to My Website Genuinely follows below steps-
    .Optimized URLs
    .Alt Image Tags
    .Appropriate Depth of Content
    .Appropriate Topical Targeting
    . Keywords in Content
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  • Profile picture of the author Eyonathan
    I'm currently trying to create some kind of 1 week bootcamp or some crash course section on my blog. Maybe you could try doing the same. Especially when you teach how to's, that might be a good idea to have a series of how to do something. This will keep them coming back because they want to finish the series.
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  • Profile picture of the author bobbydeol93
    If you create content that people enjoy it can easily become popular or even go viral. The important thing is to put your website and content in front of people that are looking for it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ihate9to5
    Don't stop adding videos so that Youtube and Google will respect you as an authority in your niche so that will rank your videos higher.Optimize your videos with keywords in the title,tags and description(on page optimization)and get likes ,subscribers and views to them .To rank in Google you need powerful blacklinks to your video.Add funny images to the thumbnail of you videos its increases the CTR(Click Through Rate) of your videos.Add clickable annotations to your website in your videos this increases CTR from your videos to your website.The content itself must be fun and engaging to your audience.

    Life is for living

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  • Profile picture of the author jessyprem
    Use All These Ways Effectively to get good traffic 1. Yahoo! Answers
    2. Social Bookmarking
    3. Guest Blogging
    4.Twitter & Facebook
    5. Article Marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author Nick Logan
    The best way is to optimize your articles with long tail keywords. I am using Long Tail Pro (great tool).

    Further I recommend you to engage in SM (Facebook, Pineterst) and generate traffic from there.

    Build your email list.
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  • Profile picture of the author nettechindia
    Try guest posting, blog submission, article submission this all method will help you to increase an nice traffic to your website.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mogaz
    ads, youtube marketing , social media exposure can get you to drive organic traffic towards your website
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  • Profile picture of the author stevecottom874
    There are three things that I recommend you to do.
    1.) Gather a List of Subscribers to Share Your Article Content to
    2.) Build a Fan Base on Facebook to Share Your Article Content
    3.) Build Backlinks from Blog Comments and Other Sources
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  • Profile picture of the author Livewebmedia
    1. Focus on the Long Tail

    2.Use Google's Keyword Tool

    3. Decrease Bounce Rate

    4 Produce Quality Content
    5 Create a Company Blog to Increase SEO Traffic
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  • Profile picture of the author Gary Pettit
    Actually one of the quickest ways for me to get traffic is joining relevant facebook groups that already have a built in audience. Connect with people in those groups and eventually they will be open to learning about what you have to offer.
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  • Profile picture of the author strongvpn
    Spend time investigating which directories are actually providing a service and which are just a collection of links.
    Signature will share the knowledge and experience about how to use multimedia technology
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  • Profile picture of the author sherinaaa
    Website traffic plays very essential role in lifting the site and definitely it coordinates with the users and more traffic increase the users.
    For traffic, you’ll need to expose your website to prospects using the following:

    - Submit your website’s updates to social bookmarking websites
    - Participate in niche related forums and communities
    - Contribute in social networking sites (Post on related wall pages)
    - Submit RSS feeds to feed directories
    - Start a catchy blog and invite other bloggers to guest post
    - Write guest posts for blogs related to your niche
    - Share viral content (images, text, videos etc)
    - Offer valuable information and make your website user-friendly (for repeated traffic)

    If you’re not on a budget, you might also try jumping into PPC for targeted traffic and instant gratification.
    mainly you use this Search Engine Visibility have to do work on SEO, by doing good SEO work, you can have your website link to come to the first position whenever a user finds anything on the google, yahoo or any other search engine.Mainly use on this site provovide HIGH traffic for your website at a cheap rate
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  • Profile picture of the author eham
    use social media to get popularity on social media then you will get more traffic
    News & Media Website
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  • Profile picture of the author mattbanner
    Originally Posted by spwerewolf View Post

    Hi friends,

    I have a website where I share information about (how to's and tips n tricks) on different mobiles and tablets. I get 30 - 40 views on every article I post in around a week's time. What would be the best way to get more Quality traffic to my website?

    I have a YouTube channel, I make videos and redirect viewers to my website. I share on most social networking websites too.

    Please share your techniques of increasing traffic to websites.

    Thanks in advance.

    The two most important techniques above all else are 1. consistency and 2. patience.

    If you can consistently provide HIGH quality and uniquely special content, share it throughout social media avenues, and ensure that your site is properly optimized with a great user experience, in time your traffic will grow.

    Growing your social community is a great way to kick things up a notch and create referral and direct traffic. Building connections and following industry influencers, as well as following the people who follow them, is a strategy to get started.

    Then engaging with them, asking questions, getting personal and consistently staying active in the social community is the next step.

    Hopefully this helps a little!
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnnyPlan
    SEO traffic is flaky at best and not likely to buy anything anyway as they are random and not warmed up when first visiting your site. Rather than relying on SEO traffic, focus on social networks or photo sites such as Pinterest and WeHeartIt, where you can post your videos and photo pins and 'warm up' your audience first.
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  • Profile picture of the author sonamathews
    Always keep doing what is good and best. Don't go for any short term blackhat technique. Quality is must but also it should have good reach, keyword rich and well optimized article that give proper answer to the query on which you writing the post.
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    • Profile picture of the author StuartDavidson
      Generate organic traffic through promoting your content and social marketing. There's a ton of content on the web about generating traffic - if your model is to get views for earning through advertising, then take an aggressive approach. If it's to sell products/services, then think about optimising your marketing funnel first before scaling traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author nau098hotmail
    You can increase the number of followers in your social sites and share your blog for getting traffic for free.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mathiesen
    1. Target social networks and try to engage most of your social network followers.
    2. Try to do little Search Engine Optimization for the keywords of your articles. It brings enough quality traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author techdis
    Rather than doing guest blogging, go for content syndication. It gives you more exposure and traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author AaronHarris
    The best way on how to increase traffic to your website is by the interesting contents you have on your internet.

    Promote your contents by the use of social media platforms.

    When people find it very interesting, they start sharing it to their social media accounts and this will generate traffic.

    The key is content.
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