Anyone use HootSuite or Buffer?

31 replies
How you doing warriors?

I'm just doing some research for a blog on social media, as to how many of you use Hootsuite or Buffer and for specifically which tools.

So if you're using Hootsuite or Buffer, do let me know what tools are useful to you. Which tools could maybe be implemented better? Also do you have any suggestions for tools which you would like to see in the future from such social media platforms.

Any discussion is kindly appreciated! Have a good day
#buffer #hootsuite
  • Profile picture of the author FingerPicker
    Hi welovebud,

    Doing well, thanks. And you? ;-)

    I've used Hootsuite but didn't like it. You can only use a couple of social media websites and whenever you plan a fb picture the quality is really ugly.

    I know some pros use Buffer but have no idea about it so you have to hear that from others.

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  • Profile picture of the author welovebud
    Hello FingerPicker,

    I'm doing great thanks.

    Right, thanks for your post, interesting to know Hootsuite images don't come out as they should on FB. I assume, you used primarily for facebook? Did you use it for business or personal?

    Yes, buffer seems to be evolving fast and a lot of small to mid size organizations are moving from Hootsuite to Buffer.

    Thanks for your input, greatly appreciated.
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    • Profile picture of the author FingerPicker
      Hi welovebud,

      I've used it for business and my aim was to use it for all of my social media such as Twitter, G+, Pinterest and Tumblr.
      From what I can remember they didn't have a pinterest management, so that kind of beat the purpose of having the software anyway.

      Buffer seems to be the best thing, though I can remember it was quite expensive. Now I just focus on Fb, Twitter and G+ and growing them as big as I can before I move on to do other social media. Don't see the purpose of using 7 social media when I can get more traffic if I focus on just three big ones. But that's another discussion ;-)

      Hope this helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author mistlechild
    Since Tweetdeck was decommissioned I've been sadly waiting for a good alternative to come along for social media management. I dislike Hootesuite, I think it's poorly designed, but I have yet to look into Buffer. I dislike that it's expensive, though. Is there a free version available for personal users? I guess I can Google that, can't I?
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    • Profile picture of the author welovebud
      Originally Posted by mistlechild View Post

      Since Tweetdeck was decommissioned I've been sadly waiting for a good alternative to come along for social media management. I dislike Hootesuite, I think it's poorly designed, but I have yet to look into Buffer. I dislike that it's expensive, though. Is there a free version available for personal users? I guess I can Google that, can't I?
      Hello Mistlechild,

      Thanks for your input, yes Hootsuite's design has been criticised by many. Buffer actually has a nice design, however I have noticed it is very pricey.

      In terms of Tweetdeck, were there specific features you liked about it? I believe that buffer offers a free personal version, but it is very limited in features.
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  • Profile picture of the author dejaone
    Used Hootsuite, and it does save time as claimed. It needs add values by adding intelligence.
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    • Profile picture of the author simmo9
      try taking a look at
      its fairly new but evolving quickly. has some good scheduling
      we use it mainly for Tumblr at the moment (quite a few blogs), but will hook into its Twitter application as well shortly
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      • Profile picture of the author welovebud
        Originally Posted by simmo9 View Post

        try taking a look at SocialQ - Social media made easy!
        its fairly new but evolving quickly. has some good scheduling
        we use it mainly for Tumblr at the moment (quite a few blogs), but will hook into its Twitter application as well shortly
        Hello Simmo9,

        I looked at the smart scheduling feature they offer, looks interesting. Will investigate further, thanks for your input.
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        • I use Hootsuite. The scheduling feature is quite nice. It is free for up to five profiles anyway so you cant beat that. I can see how the streams can be useful if you have accounts with tons of comments. Hootsuite has a lot of cool apps that you can add to your dashboard if you don't mind paying a few small fees.

          I haven't used the auto schedule feature much but it essentially figures out what times your audience most frequently interacts with your content and it posts it then. The pro version is 8.99 a month which is very reasonable considering how much time it can save you if you use it consistently.

          I have a small amount of experience with buffer as well.
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    • Profile picture of the author welovebud
      Originally Posted by dejaone View Post

      Used Hootsuite, and it does save time as claimed. It needs add values by adding intelligence.
      Hello Dejaone,

      Could you elaborate on the "add values by adding intelligence" bit. Appreciate your input.

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  • Profile picture of the author webinsiders
    I use Hootsuite PRO as it's features are the most robust of all services I've used (and I've tried just about every service out there). I recommend it.

    Hootsuite has definitely become the defacto standard for social media management, as it's the service with the most features to post to both Facebook and Twitter, as well as monitor them. Plus their mobile app for iOS/Android is quite powerful.

    Tweetdeck used to be the only big competitor, until Twitter discontinued Facebook integration in it (and only offered the web version).

    Another competitor called Seesmic had a great web-based dashboard interface very much like Hootsuite but with a cleaner UI. However, it got shuttered and later acquired by Hootsuite.

    If you really dislike Hootsuite for whatever reason, there's another one out there worth looking at that most people haven't heard of called Gremln (
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  • Profile picture of the author bonesbrigade
    I've used hootsuite. I work for a startup tech company in an accelerator program and it's nice to have all your feeds laid out.

    Also buffer is great as well if you have a content bank and know which day and which time you have the most users online. You can just set when you want the content to be posted and it does it or you. A nice way since most people check fb first thing in the morning and then after work.
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  • Profile picture of the author iamjuliego
    I am currently using Hootsuite and it works great for me. I managed different account of my clients mostly facebook pages and I save a lot of time doing so.
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  • Profile picture of the author NetJunkie913
    I'm using Buffer and love it. Hootsuite was limited when it came to posting pictures to Facebook. I wouldn't suggest them to anyone.
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  • Profile picture of the author welovebud
    Had some great response, thank you all for your input. Keep them coming
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  • Profile picture of the author partyfavor
    Love Buffer!
    (I did use hootsuite for a while, but tried buffer and now cancelled my HS account and use Buffer exclusively)

    Nightclub + Bar Marketing Expert. Author.
    Producing Live Events, Digital Creative Agency to Nightclubs, Marketing Consultant to Nightlife Industry. (

    TV Host: Interviewed Lady Gaga, Tommy Lee, Richard Branson, Deadmau5, and more.

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    • Profile picture of the author Sunny Zwingelberg
      Buffer is a way better then Hoot. Has more accounts, flexibility and better interface. It would be nice to have google+ profile support for Buffer, as for now it is only page... especially taking into consideration google authorship, which in my mind will be pretty huge very pretty soon.
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  • I use Advanced Social Marketer It has several other features Hootsuite does not have. Pretty cool tech, especially the comment responder.
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  • Profile picture of the author melvinsh
    Sendible better than hootsuite in my opinion. Better service as well
    Signature - Social Media Syndication - stop buying fake shares & likes! Get Real Shares from Onlywire & Sendible users managing their own social profiles! Drip feed - Anonymous Shares - Spun Content - View Reports - FREE Accounts - 45+ Social Networks - Take The Tour

    Wanna run a successful Giveaway? SKYPE: Justin.chasar I can get you 1000s of real subscribers, facebook likes, etc. in days
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  • Profile picture of the author ShareThisContest
    Hootsuite has some problems with posting images in groups.
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  • Profile picture of the author saransmith36
    i have not use it but need more info about online advertisement which are the best tools now a days
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    • Profile picture of the author Jon Crimes
      Currently using Hootsuite. It does take a bit of getting used to but really does speed up the social media thing!

      Using the free version at the moment and that has all the functionality I need (at the moment anyway).

      I usually spend about an hour on a Sunday night loading up posts/tweets for the following week, big time saver.
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  • Profile picture of the author itravel2004
    My friend recommend me to use fbmatic, you can take a look
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  • Profile picture of the author Reddy20
    I used to use hootsuite for managing different twitter accounts. It worked great, unfortunately the twitter campaigns were not successful
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  • Profile picture of the author welovebud
    Great, a lot of Hootsuite users. I'd like to know what feature is useful for you in Hootsuite. Just the ability to manage your twitter and facebook all in one or is there more to it?

    I've also found HootSuite to be a bit complex than I'd like, but you get used to it.
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    • Profile picture of the author dani0157
      Originally Posted by welovebud View Post

      Great, a lot of Hootsuite users. I'd like to know what feature is useful for you in Hootsuite. Just the ability to manage your twitter and facebook all in one or is there more to it?

      I've also found HootSuite to be a bit complex than I'd like, but you get used to it.

      I am using HootSuite as well and one of the features I use a lot is the bulk scheduling tool. You can upload a comma separated .CSV files with your message and HootSuite will post them on the set time & date.

      Really like the reports that you can generate with HootSuite. Definitely better than BufferApp. (at least for me)

      I've written an article where I compared all major differences between HootSuite and BufferApp. You can find it on my blog.

      - Dani
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  • Profile picture of the author melvinsh
    Does anyone know how hootsuite compares with sendible, the only reason I'm not using them is because they don't allow access to their APIs which I use them only for content syndication
    Signature - Social Media Syndication - stop buying fake shares & likes! Get Real Shares from Onlywire & Sendible users managing their own social profiles! Drip feed - Anonymous Shares - Spun Content - View Reports - FREE Accounts - 45+ Social Networks - Take The Tour

    Wanna run a successful Giveaway? SKYPE: Justin.chasar I can get you 1000s of real subscribers, facebook likes, etc. in days
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  • Profile picture of the author extracarmelbrown
    I use Hootsuite but the free version. I think a cool feature is if you have a blog and you want your posts to show up on twitter or fb you can enter your atom feed in Hootsuite and the posts will show up on fb and twitter. Or whatever social media you choose that can connect with Hootsuite.
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  • Profile picture of the author multiplecloud
    I use hootsuite infree version. This is a great tool!

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  • Profile picture of the author powerofschool
    I used both of them . And there are some Differences in these tools as below.


    Hootsuite is a browser-based social media management tool that allows users to schedule social content for Facebook, Twitter and Google+ accounts. The interface is relatively easy to use, making it easy to jump in to at the beginning.


    -You can easily manage multiple social media platforms from one account.

    -Hootsuite provides custom analytics for each social network.

    -Managers can set up keyword and hashtag searches pertaining to each account’s focus.

    -The free version of Hootsuite is great. You can pay to upgrade to Hootsuite Pro if you manage many different accounts, but the free version is perfect for managing up to five profiles.

    -The Hootsuite mobile apps are available for all operating systems, which helps managers monitor in real-time, especially when on the run.


    -Full, in-depth analytics reports from Hootsuite can be expensive.

    -There is no option for link shortening; you have to use the Hootsuite branded URL shortener.

    -Manual scheduling can be time consuming if you choose not to utilize the AutoSchedule feature.


    Buffer allows users to add articles, content, links, pictures and videos to your Buffer and the system will “automagically” share them to your social networks (including Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn) throughout the day.


    -Buffer gives you free, detailed analytics on every post, making it easy for you to see how many likes, shares, retweets, mentions and favorites your content got and it also identifies the potential reach of each post.

    -The free version of Buffer allows you to link three social media accounts and buffer up to 10 updates at a time. With “The Awesome Plan,” you can have 12 accounts linked and there is no limit on buffering.

    -Buffer’s browser button makes posting to any social network quick and easy.


    -It’s really hard to moderate discussions through Buffer. Even though you can see analytics of each post, it’s difficult to moderate a single discussion.

    -You cannot see direct messages on Buffer. You have to log in to your actual account to see and/or respond to one.

    -Buffer sends out updates on the same time schedule each day.

    So, which side do you choose? Hootsuite or Buffer? Take some time to play with both Tools.
    Because They are free in the Trail Periods.

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