your skills or software for posting work

4 replies
Dear ladies and gentlemen,
For posting work on facebook group as ads, do you have some skills or software to automate most of the work? I have to repeat the posting work everyday and it seems resultless. Sometimes I feel a little depressed. I am new for this career, I appreciate your sharing with me.
#posting #skills #software #work
  • Profile picture of the author nand2k12
    you googling facebook auto poster or macros, bots. Download software named friend bomber.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ali Alvie
    I hope these sites and tools may help you:



    pontikis (How to Auto Post on Facebook with PHP)

    Good Luck!

    Ali Alvie

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  • Profile picture of the author Christoff25
    Its better to do it manually. At least you know that you are doing your work and you will not be banned.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8975107].message }}

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