Facebook ads - What's the best tutorial for newbies?

14 replies

I'm planning to set up Facebook ads, but I'm completely new to the issue.

I'm looking for a tutorial that can guide me through it in order to get the best results.

There are so many info products about the matter on the market that it is difficult to pick the right one... :confused:
#ads #facebook #newbies #tutorial
  • Profile picture of the author carcin0genic
    Anything Donald Wilson creates.

    Look for his book on Amazon "FB Demystified" and connect with him on FB.

    Guy knows everything there is to know and more about FB ads.
    Let's Network!!
    Shoot Me A Message
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  • Profile picture of the author adil110
    FB master class by Mario brown is good course man
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    • Profile picture of the author owen2012
      Highly recommend Gauher Chaudhrys media buying sumo.
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  • Profile picture of the author dhruven
    I am personally like to contect direct to FB support team.
    They are give you proper guide about your fb Campain.
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    • Profile picture of the author darlanne
      Originally Posted by dhruven View Post

      I am personally like to contect direct to FB support team.
      They are give you proper guide about your fb Campain.
      I would only do this if I had a question about a campaign for which I couldn't find an answer. FB support does not dish a tutorial to guide noobs re: how to make $ using FB ads.
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  • Profile picture of the author AdamPayne
    News Feed Fire is a great course.

    And as has been said, Donald Wilson is the man! He liked News Feed Fire too :-)

    Discover the only A-Z of Video Marketing and for your content, check this out: Premium Video and Full PLR Packs - Free $4,961 case study

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  • Profile picture of the author umerhafeez
    Originally Posted by lookielookies View Post


    I'm planning to set up Facebook ads, but I'm completely new to the issue.

    I'm looking for a tutorial that can guide me through it in order to get the best results.

    There are so many info products about the matter on the market that it is difficult to pick the right one... :confused:

    You can add me on skype: bloggerumer

    For me FB ads are producing amazing results. May be I can help you out.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9033499].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sitehero
    Facebook ads are EXTREMELY simple to use I don't see why anyone would need any training really.

    In the past I've only used a couple of platforms to deliver my PPC campaigns. They were Adwords, and Plenty of Fish and that is the extent of my PPC experience. Anyway, about 2 weeks ago I tried Facebook ads for the very first time because I had a $50 coupon laying around. I had never read or seen anything about Facebook ads before, in fact, I had never even seen the admin area before two weeks ago so it was all new to me.
    It literally took me about an hour to work out how it works. It's so simple to use, I can't see how anyone could get it wrong. As with all PPC platforms, the only pre requisit for starting your first campaign is a bit of common sense to make sure you are targeting your audience correctly.
    Setting up your first campaign is very simple because Facebook takes you through each step in a logical order. Almost everything is easy to understand and if your unsure about something, just click the little ? next to it.

    Like most other PPC platforms, the most important aspects of your campaigns is the image, the copy/call to action, and the targeting and that's pretty much it. Unless your spending a serious amount of money in a highly competitive niche, I always think it's best to just let the platforms algorithm work out your CPC rate. There may be some exceptions to this rule but generally speaking, for most people the platform will optimize your bids better than you can so I always leave this alone. As I said, your main focus should be your image, copy, and targeting. Obviously, the right size image is critical. Facebook use rectangle images so make sure your images are rectangle. If you use a square image, you will lose a lot of your precious real estate. It's best to have an image that stands out with contrasting colors to the rest of the page. Something that forces a visitor to view your ad without consciously thinking about it.
    As Facebook is a social platform, this is a consideration when choosing an image or designing a graphic. Basically, people are looking for things they can share and make someone laugh or start a conversation with.

    I've found taboo subjects work quite well on Facebook, for example, I had an image ad telling people they could destroy their competition with a new traffic source. This ad was preforming normally but it was nothing to get excited about so I tested a new graphic that said, 'put this in your competitors pants' with an arrow pointing to a lump of shit and this ad instantly out preformed the others. With your images, try to be creative and different. People are conditioned to ignore ads nowadays so us advertisers need to use our creativity to force their attention.
    The copy you add is not as important as the image but it is still important to get right. Ideally, you should offer a solution to a problem and have a call to action. Again, creativity is key. Think what you would think if you read the text.
    Finally, your targeting. How well you target your ads will make or break your campaign. Even mass market products are targeted so if your catering to a specific small niche, you need to get your targeting right to stand any chance of a worthwhile response. Thankfully, Facebook make this very VERY easy. If you already know your market inside out then targeting your ads will be easy but if your guesstimating then it may require a bit of common sense. Explore every option that Facebook provides and if your unsure about a particular demographic, don't add it yet, simply write it down and then once your campaign has started, create a duplicate ad within the same campaign that is ONLY targeted to that demographic your unsure about. This will then test that demographic for you. Sometimes, getting your targeting just right can be a matter of trial and error but once you have optimized it properly, you will then get the best response from your ads.

    Your 3 main aspects of your ad (Image/Copy/Targeting) should all be considered as a whole. When designing your image, consider the copy you will use and who your targeting etc. It's mostly common sense really and it helps a lot if you understand your market.

    Facebook ads is SUPER easy to use. If I can feel confident with it after only an hour or two then I'm pretty sure most people would be the same. It's by far my favorite PPC platform when compared to the others I've used.
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  • Profile picture of the author lephuong425
    Thank for share!
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  • Profile picture of the author lookielookies
    Thanks for the info, Sitehero.
    Very useful post.
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  • Profile picture of the author sarah23
    There are many tutorials for face book ads but I would suggest you to try and have different testing and testing until you yourself know how ads work there on face book.
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