3 Phases to Fan Page Growth
"how to do I get this fan page thing started?"
I totally get why this is so tough for a lot of people. Most of my videos and content around the web is based around the fact we've already built up a following and have traffic to play with.
When you have this asset, you can actually see results from your campaigns... even if they are bad results, you get some data to use and adapt with.
It does take time to actually get to this point though. When it comes to fan pages, I have a 3 stage process that I follow...
Phase 1 - Getting The Page Pumping
In this stage, you are getting the page started. I consider this phase to be 0-10k fans. My goal in this phase is to get an audience... and to create the right kind of audience.
You absolutely have to create an interactive page to have success with fan page marketing. It's important to establish that in phase 1 with amazing content posts.
I only post 2-5 messages per day in this stage. I do not promote products. Most of my posts say something like "Click LIKE if you love NICHE" and will have a likable picture in the niche.
I'm running advertisements full board in this phase. My goal is to get anything at $.10/like or less. This means I'm going to spend at most $1,000 to get that first 10,000 likes and we want to get there ASAP.
Phase 2 - Yes, We Are A Business
In this phase, we are going to start introducing the fact that we are a business. We do this by selling them stuff and collecting their information. Phase 2 runs from about 10k to 20k fans.
I post 1 promotion a day at this point. I usually start with Amazon products. A few weeks of this and you'll know what products you should sell for the long term.
I also create a newsletter for my niche in this phase and I start posting 1 message a day to generate leads to the squeeze page. This newsletter goes back and sells the hottest selling products from the fan page.
I'm still running ads at full board here. By this time, you've got some solid data on what your ideal audience is. You can narrow your ads even further and usually get a better cost per like campaign.
I use Datareach to set up a squeeze page and this collects a bunch of great data. After around 500 subscribers, I switch the opt in back to a normal GetResponse squeeze.
Datareach scrapes the Facebook emails of users and these aren't as active as if they submit their most recent emails. This is why I do the switch at 500 subs.
Phase 3 - Capitalize the Asset
Phase 3 is when you've built 20k+ fans and have a solid user base to play with. It takes traffic to try new things and make your own systems.
If you've built a solid interactive fan page, you will have a good amount of daily traffic potential from your fan page without any ads needed.
I still run ads in this phase but drop them down to a daily drip campaign. I know the exact demographics to target for the absolute best cost per like... so, I create a $10/day budgeted campaign that "drips" likes into the page.
With 20k fans and an active page, you're going to get 100-300 organic likes per day, so keep consistent with your messages and your page grows bigger and bigger on it's own.
I bump up my fan page posting at this point. I nearly double my daily messages... doing around 14+ messages per day.
I also start creating my own products at this phase. I know what's been selling well with my Amazon products, so I replace the top sellers with my versions. I also add in products like tshirts, stickers, and even CPA offers in the niche.
That is the basic outline of my fan page system. I hope you liked it
