How To Explode Your Facebook Success Rate
This is I presume (from years of being a marketer) how our prospects also behave on FB guys In fact I know someone who has liked possibly HUNDREDS of pages over the years! He's not a frivolous page liker either, he's very calculated in his actions. But how many out of HUNDREDS of feeds do you think he even WANTS to see or can MANAGE to browse through? Not that darned many.
So here's my advice, free, take it or leave it...
If you're doing the following... STOP IT...
1. You conveniently FORGET that people who LIKE your page also likely LIKE TONS of other pages similar and different to yours
2. You seriously expect and believe people are losing sleep waiting for your posts in their feed (some people probably feel this way about some pages but be honest with yourself -- is your page likely to be one of those?)
3. You don't make posts with the above points in mind.
4. You're angry with FB for not showing more of your posts in the feeds of more of the people who liked your page -- if they did that for everyone how effective do you think newsfeeds will be after like 24 hours? Imagine LIKING 100 pages and seeing 10 posts a day from each of them in your feed... WHAT!???? lol... actually that ain't gonna be funny matey...
5. You believe there's no way to actually reach the people that count on FB
and oh...
6. Because of your bad experiences so far (probably based on you thinking all or some of the above), you believe FB can't really help you make money
OK, so as I said.. PLEASE STOP ANY and ALL of the above if you've been thinking that way... Here's how to get the MOST out of ANY sensible FB niche page...
1. REMEMBER that people don't ALWAYS check their feeds so for them to even see yours it's gotta always be up at the right time... how do you figure that, FB insights can help a little with that but more on that in other posts.
2. REMEMBER that people aren't checking their feeds looking for ads about your latest widget (not all the time anyway people are on FB to UNWIND and BLOW OFF STEAM. Figure out a way to BE A BRAND and still help them do that and you're pretty much golden!
3. REMEMBER that people probably aren't looking out for YOUR FB page posts -- at least not UNTIL you've proved yourself by doing what I said in point 2 above.
4. REMEMBER that to COMPEL people to STOP SCROLLING. READ. THEN "LIKE", "COMMENT" or "SHARE" you gotta REALLY REALLY be GREAT AT content curation or production (again read point no. 2 for insights on that;-)
5. Finally (though there are a ton of other things to note but I'll stop here for now)... STOP being a marketer when you get on FB to post. Be a PUBLISHER. BE AN ENTERTAINING ANCHOR. Be anything interesting to listen to, follow and talk to and about but throw your marketing cap away for the 3 hours you're going to be on FB. Be a COUNSELOR, a REAL FRIEND. Try doing this for say 3 months, if your FB success doesn't blow your mind I've wasted 17 years studying, doing and teaching marketing strategy.
I'm done. For now
Kunle Olomofe
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